Originally posted by zuki:
the harmony is truly FANTASTIC. OK, question: Was it done through a keyboard (PA800).
That song was recorded with a Yamaha 9000pro, no auto anything. I played manual bass and piano chords. The harmony came from a digitech Vocalist VR....the TC unit in my PA800 is better to my ears.
The trick is really more in technique, rather than product. You need to sing lines that are favorable to 4 part harmony. If you simply turn it on and think like a soloist, you will not get the result you want.
Some little things I try to remember when using harmony in a vocal group style:
1: Do some unison intros and spotlights. Makes teh harmony stand out more - think Lettermen
2: Scoop and bend up to notes when desireable ... it really sound great
3: Get the proper blend. This is PARAMOUNT. The lead needs to be perfectly balanced in oroportion to the harmonies..... that balance point may change MANY times per night. I have used volume pedals on my harmony voices at times, but the PA800 has those pregrammable sliders ... SWEEEEET.
I have lead, harmony, effects....all on sliders to make on the fly adjustments.
4: LISTEN to vocal gropus. Learn their nuances, their phrasing. You have to learn to think like 4 instead of 1 !