Ha! It looks like Korg has taken the PDF Manual download off the site - "for repair I hope."

If I right click the link either a .gif file or HTML file is in the save box NOT the PDF file. If I click on the Demo downloads link or the 'Song Filer' download link it works fine. Anybody else notice the same thing?
PS: Word gets around fast I guess... Korg people are in our audience and apparently they notified KorgPA.de of the problem. A professional Company like Korg needs to keep on top of these petty things or before you know it they're thought of as a sub-par Company known for producing sub-par products imo. So I'm glad they got on top to this corrupted PDF file situation. Hopefully they won't wait until the Pa1xpro is released to give us a workable copy PDF file.

Or we could be waiting a lonnggggggggggggg time.

Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 10-29-2003).]