Hi guys, thanx for your comments especially yuors Garry

old man??? come on only 47 years young....hihihih.
Donny I really like that lap top you got what you want at a touch of a button, wouldn't imagine myself without it now.
Scot I thought you where a better ditective!!!! I thought you where going to as me where the Digitech was??? but don't blame you you got lost in other things..

Dreamer they where taken last night fresh from the ovem, yes they where taken in Malta in a Hotle ***
Sunster that laptop is a Compaq EV N115
Lari as for your observation the veneu I was playing is a bit of a noisy place no room for Piano Playing (I use more Saxes and the likes to compliment the styles and midi files), and for that in places like that I use the SUSTAIN I have in the keyboard it is not the same as the sustain pedal but it gives me a good effect for venues like that.
Thank you all for taking time to look at hte photo, I will put more as I go along in other venues.
Have any of you noticed what I did to place the laptop on in a very convinient place?? What I did there is very simple to construct yourself, or have it dont by someone who have a CO2 or welding set.