#106414 - 11/22/06 07:07 AM
Re: Does The Mediastation have a Vocal Harmonizer?
Registered: 02/25/04
Posts: 172
Loc: Greenwood, SC -USA
Originally posted by Spalding1: DNJ there isnt more excitement about the MS simply because of the lack of marketing. People cannot try an MS unless they buy one, they can only hear an MS through the online demos's which have not really given justice to the sound of the instrument because of the poor quality recordings. People are not sure what sounds they will get with the board on purchase or the quality of those sounds (most GM sounds are inferior to any proprietory instruments sounds ) As an arranger it is unclear as to the quality of styles the ms comes shipped with. Liontrcs is not a huge company and most people i suspect are fearful of the product support that they might get after purchase if a problem crops up with the instrument. Who do they send it to for repairs ? How long would it take to get the instrument back ? What cost ? And lastly the mediastation sounds like a really complex machine that will require the user to purchase additional sounds and styles to make it sound great and the user fears that there may a steep learning curve on purchase and additional expenditure on souds and styles. There are no clear marketing messages as to which target market this instrument is best for and it seems to be promoted on its technological advancement which is great but those technological features need to be related in clear benefit statements to the intended market.
I suspect that once some of the users report back with more glowing reports about the instrument in actual use and sales pick up, Dom will be able to afford more professional marketing done to promote the instrument. We will then be able to get brochures and good demos to inspire confidence in the instrument and the promised open ended support and continuous improvement from liontracs.
There is an article being writen in the next few weeks by one of the keyboard magazines comparing the MS and other keyboards in its class. If the article comes out favourable then i believe you wil see some real excitement about the product Spalding, I have to agree with you. You have summed up very well what are the most likely reasons that are keeping the Mediastation from selling in high volumes. Lionstracs Marketing Department would do well to read your post in it’s entirety and make some adjustments to their marketing strategy. However, since they have no marketing department that I know of, this may, for now, fall on deaf ears. Take a look at their staff by following this link: http://www.lionstracs.com/store/informat...32fee6d21ad294c While I see no one assigned to Marketing, Analysis, Advertising or Distribution, I do see a very impressive list of engineers. It seems the whole company is geared towards creating and developing pro audio gear. While this may not be the most profitable design, it is rather beneficial to the end user such as myself. Lionstracs is developing what I believe to be the most advanced keyboard ever. If the Mediastation, with all of it’s amazing capabilities, was being developed by Korg, Roland, or Yamaha; with their multi-million dollar budgets; can you imagine the marketing effort that would be going on right now? Look at the one surrounding the Oasys. But for the moment Domenik and his entire staff seem emersed in the task of making all these features possible in a userfriendly GUI. I feel sure that after they have accomplished all that they currently have in mind, they will turn some of their efforts to target marketing and consumer education. Then, I believe, they will be able to recoup their research and development cost and much more. I realize that it takes resources to fund these incredible advances in unchartered territory and I hope that a few dedicated users spreading news about what we have found will attract more of the same. As more profits are realized by the company more dollars will also go into development. I admit that I made a “leap of faith” by purchasing the Mediastation without some of the usual comforts that make a deciscion like this easier. Such as a large existing customer base and user groups, and the ability to demo in a local store. But, I for one, am very glad that I discovered the music Industry’s “best kept secret” and didn’t hold out for a glossy full color brochure. Although that would have been nice. LOL For anyone who feel’s they could never purchase a Mediastation until they can demo it in person, I certainly understand. We will try to continue providing info until you are able to do so. But for those who want to take advantage of this technology now, I think it is definitely worth it. Remember inadequate marketing does not affect the product. Richard
#106415 - 11/22/06 07:48 AM
Re: Does The Mediastation have a Vocal Harmonizer?
Registered: 02/25/04
Posts: 172
Loc: Greenwood, SC -USA
Ok, I finally got the full scoop on the new Mediastation Vocalist. And here it is: Ensnareyou, you will be pleased to know it is extremely similar to the software processing for the pitch shift and time stretching features of the Mediastation, it is actually designed by the same developers The engine that drives the Vocalist is called meloscaline. It contains Elastique, the same engine that drives the pitch shift/time stretch function. Here is a quote from their website: http://www.zplane.de/showPage.php?SPRACHE=UK&PAGE=products17 description meloscaline is the world's first intelligent harmonizer featuring integrated voice leading rules. The original key, tuning frequency and pitches of the input melody is detected automatically in order to generate harmony voices and/or map it to another scale. Furthermore, meloscaline transforms any recorded melody from one scale into another. In contrast to existing technologies meloscaline choiralizer does real voice leading. The intervals of the accompanying voices are not fixed but rather chosen according to voice leading rules and the underlying harmony. meloscaline allows high quality formant preserving transposition and scale conversion, i.e. the characteristics of the original singer or instrument are maintained technology meloscaline choiralizer integrates sophisticated harmonic modeling and voice leading technology to generate the optimal harmonization of the input. For each input pitch, the best harmony as well as the best progression of the synthesized voices is computed, resulting in a perfect sounding hamonization (see figure). As a technology demonstration, meloscaline illustrates the musical possibilities of the combination of various musical analysis and synthesis technologies that are offered by zplane. For the detection of the key and the standard pitch [tONaRT] is being used, while élastique SOLOIST V2.0 executes the actual transformation and voice synthesis. More info is available on their website: http://www.zplane.de/showPage.php?SPRACHE=UK&PAGE=products17
#106416 - 11/22/06 08:28 AM
Re: Does The Mediastation have a Vocal Harmonizer?
Registered: 03/31/02
Posts: 491
Loc: California
Originally posted by Spalding1: DNJ there isnt more excitement about the MS simply because of the lack of marketing. People cannot try an MS unless they buy one, they can only hear an MS through the online demos's which have not really given justice to the sound of the instrument because of the poor quality recordings. People are not sure what sounds they will get with the board on purchase or the quality of those sounds (most GM sounds are inferior to any proprietory instruments sounds ) As an arranger it is unclear as to the quality of styles the ms comes shipped with. Liontrcs is not a huge company and most people i suspect are fearful of the product support that they might get after purchase if a problem crops up with the instrument. Who do they send it to for repairs ? How long would it take to get the instrument back ? What cost ? And lastly the mediastation sounds like a really complex machine that will require the user to purchase additional sounds and styles to make it sound great and the user fears that there may a steep learning curve on purchase and additional expenditure on souds and styles. There are no clear marketing messages as to which target market this instrument is best for and it seems to be promoted on its technological advancement which is great but those technological features need to be related in clear benefit statements to the intended market.
I suspect that once some of the users report back with more glowing reports about the instrument in actual use and sales pick up, Dom will be able to afford more professional marketing done to promote the instrument. We will then be able to get brochures and good demos to inspire confidence in the instrument and the promised open ended support and continuous improvement from liontracs.
There is an article being writen in the next few weeks by one of the keyboard magazines comparing the MS and other keyboards in its class. If the article comes out favourable then i believe you wil see some real excitement about the product I've said this many times before and I can't stress this enough, the Mediastation does not require the user to buy additional sounds, styles, or software to make it "sound great." There are quite a number of GIGA samples, GM/GS, NI B4, Synthesizer sounds, and Styles included with the Mediastation. Being able to load additional VST's, samples, styles, etc., is just an added bonus. Once you do so the Mediastation has little competition except the Wersi, Neko, or Oasys for sound quality. No arranger made by Yamaha, Korg, Ketron, GEM, or Roland to date has the sound capabilities of either the Mediastation, Oasys, Neko, or the Wersi. Service or repair is most likely not going to be an issue because the unit is built so well. In the event of a failure Lionstracs could source the problem to a particular board inside the unit, ship a new board out, and the user could easily install it in less than 30-60 minutes. If the user doesn't feel comfortable doing so any good tech can swap the boards out and I'm sure Lionstracs would cover the labor costs of the swap as long as the Mediastation was still under warranty. Lionstracs service with software support and user support has been nothing but stellar so far. I see no reason why that would change anytime soon. I will agree that these units are complex but that doesn't mean they are hard to operate. Most people who buy an arranger or workstation rarely learn all of their features. If you are using the Mediastation like any other arranger, it will be a piece of cake. If you want to get really in depth and sample, create styles from scratch, load and sync MP3 and audio files, or record extensive sequences, then you will have a longer learning curve. That curve isn't any greater than any other comparable workstation though. The Mediastation and Wersi are akin to high end automobiles by Lamborghini, Ferrari, Aston Martin, and Bentley. You can't just go down the street and find one of these high ticket items let alone test drive one. Does that make them less viable when considering purchasing a world class product? Not in my opinion. Those who want the best will buy one no matter what. Whether or not it fits your needs may be a gamble but I'd bet the chance of you buying a Mediastation and absolutely hating it would be minimal.