For all the talk and touting of Windows XP, I personally think it stinks. By default, there are about 40 "processes" runiing in the back ground which are not needed. Some of these will cause your hard drive to spin nearly constantly. Others will give you innumerous little pop up messages about this, that and the other thing. The supposedly plug-and-play on my XP laptop ALWAYS asks to re-install the drivers for some USB devices I have - EVERY TIME I connect them. I don't know who is kidding who about XP. In my experience, it sucks. Also, it crashes more often than Windows ME and Windows 98 does for me. Just my personal experience but I'm glad I got that off my chest!
Tom G.
PS: It got a little better after I spent literally hours of time tweaking and messing with it. Go to to learn more about what processes to kill.
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