Your comments are the best Christmass present I was given.
Now, I am going to answer your questions.
Bruce, I play an inexpensive Yamaha DGX-305 keyboard. It has its likes and much more dislikes - the worst shortcoming is that there is not a line out. So the piece was recorded through the phones output with the help of an Audigy 2 soundboard.
What you heard was a recorded midi file (I was not playing live).
Dnj (Donny),
You forgot to mention the French Horn

unfortunately, this is the only one composition which is orchestrated. The most of the rest are solo piano pieces, however, I do not think they qualify for this forum, as here arrangers are discussed, not pianos. I have the will to build my own web site where to post all my compositions.
You are right about the harmonies. I was even told that it sounds a bit Japanese at the beginning.
In the real world I am a computer programmer but after I have retired I'll consider your idea.
Well, I admit that it is a bit unusual to use an arranger for classical music. I am glad that you liked my piece. Nowadays I am making my first steps in composing songs. I miss a lyricist very much as I find it hard to come up with good lyrics.
[This message has been edited by George V (edited 12-27-2005).]