This is one of the most impressive features of the SD1 (termed under Wave-sync Technology).
You can record wave samples (14-28seconds in length each) and later on call these samples (as multi-samples) to play along with your midifile etc.
These wave files are sync'd to the MIDIfile using our exclusive 'sync' technology (which is similar to our sync-groove which we use with the live drums). Each time you recall the MIDIfile, you will automatically load up the associated voices/wave files that were recorded with the song.
This is a good feature to have say for back up voices: Imagine using the vocalizer to record the chorus to a song (maybe using 5 separate wavefiles no longer than 14 seconds each for separate parts - you could do all in one wavefile if you wish). Next, during playback, you determine when these parts will be played back during the song and save settings within song.
Now during your gigg, all you will have to do is sing your lead parts ... and let the SD1 gracefully come in not only with your MIDIfile background music, but your background vocalists too! Let me know if you need more info on how to achieve this.
Neat, right?