#111558 - 02/02/06 09:23 PM
SD1 EXP Review
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Registered: 12/01/02
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Loc: Medina, OH, USA
Having the EXP upgrade a few months now, I had intended to wait until I had become familiar with all aspects of the EXP before presenting a review, but who knows when I'll get around to "syncing waves to styles and SMFs"... so all I can say is that AJ claims the proceedure is now greatly simplified and I'm sure it is.
All other components of the program are very straight forward, easy to incorporate, and provide an immediate improvement to an already excellent keyboard.
There are new sounds, most noticeably a grand piano, electric pianos, organs, and guitars... all excellent. The new guitars include realistic bends and 'noise', with a true strum incorporated in some styles. The Grand Piano is without doubt one of the, if not THE best I'VE heard. The new EPs are very cool, and an organ sounding much more B3ish than previously.
Also included is the addition of new, very cool SD1 styles. Plus the inclusion of several Yamaha, Korg, and Roland patterns, all converted for the SD1, now residing in their HD folders and ready to go. The manual simplifies the previewing, editing, or immediate use of all styles.
My upgrade required sending the KB off to AJ and being without it for longer than I wanted. Than being the case, it was still worth the effort and expense. Now that it's been simplified to a software upgrade, at less cost, it's a no-brainer. If you're a SD1 owner, go for the EXP, you'll be very happy with the results.
Whenever I get around to utilizing the wave sync to style/SMF, I'll update my review... this is one of the unique and cool features of the SD1.
BTW, if you haven't updated yet to OS 4.0c, do so... it minimizes the latency issue to minimal. I'd like to say 'elliminates it', but 'very minimal' is a worthwhile improvement.
#111565 - 02/03/06 10:25 AM
Re: SD1 EXP Review
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Registered: 12/01/99
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Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by Ketron_AJ: Scott Yee, I spent some time showing you the EXP during the NAMM shows esp. with the above styles in question.... what is your take on it?
Here's what I expressed in my NAMM Report thread . . . Originally posted by Scottyee 01-20-2006:had a chance to hear the new SD1+ expanded voices & styles created by AJ, and can concur that this really takes the sound of the original SD1 to yet another realistic sounding level, utilizing multi-layered (touch sensitive) sampling, to become more closely competitive to the Tyros2 & Korg PA1Xpro. AJ Demoing the SD5: A/B comparing the stock SD1+'s instrument sounds to AJ's 'new' EXP version was quite dramatic. The enhanced sound to my ears brings a new depth & body to the sounds, and I think the EXP guitars & organs now rival the S.A counterparts on Tyros2. Ketron took a DIFFERENT approach to adding instrument efx (string squeak noise) than Yamaha. Where's Yamaha chose to automatically add it randomly, Ketron mapped specific instrument efx sounds an octave below the pitched notes, requiring you to apply it manually (ie: via footpedal) instead. IMO, both Yamaha & Ketron have distinct implementation advantages & disadvantages. On one hand, having the squeaky fret noise added automatically (Tyros2) quickly becomes annoying, yet having to remember to set up & apply it manually (SD1) could be inconvenient, especially in live playing situations where you're also having to juggle other many other playing tasks as well. I personally would prefer having a combination of both manufacturer's methods at my disposal. This means both the option of turning on/off the automatic squeaky fret noise, as well as being able to apply instrument efx manually as well. My only complaint with the SD1+ w/exp board is that the jazz & ballad style drum patterns sound (to my ears) too much in 'your face', because they include 'kick drum' for fills. A more appropriately authentic approach, which jazz ballad drummers do, is to instead, utilize snare (brush), cymbals (brush) & toms for fills instead. Originally posted by GlennT: if you haven't updated yet to OS 4.0c, do so... it minimizes the latency issue to minimal. I'd like to say 'eliminates it', but 'very minimal' is a worthwhile improvement. Glenn: I assume when you're referring to latency, it's the delay time between when you press a key, and the note is heard, right? I detected no note latency on the SD1+ when demoed by AJ. Can you please provide more details on the latency issue experienced on pre 4.0 SD1's? Just how much (second/milliseconds) are you talking about here? With Ketron Team Members: AJ & John Deep AJ, many thanks for the extra warm welcome you, John Deep, and Lou Lazzaro gave me when I stopped by the Ketron booth. AJ took extra time out to both explain and demo all of Ketron's new arrangers from the SD5, Midjay, and SD1+/w EXP. These are all exciting new products each tailored to a specifically different audience. The Midjay makes it possible now for non-keyboard players to now have everything (except keys) all in a small convenient box for uncluttered on stage vocal/dj performance. Most solo vocalists I know prefer not having a keyboard standing on stage idle while they sing behind, or next to it, so the Midjay answers that call. The new SD5's stand out (imo) is its new 'riff' feature because it promises to bring added excitement to your live performance but not only memorizing your chord changes, but what licks you play as well, and then allowing you to interact (jam) with the resultant new enhanced style playback loop. If I had to choose between the 3 keyboards though, my choice goes to the SD1+ with AJ's EXP. With the SD1+ w/ EXP, you have the advantage of semi-weighted action 76 notes in the shortest length kb shell possible and sounds which (with EXP) competitive with Yamaha Tyros2 and KorgPA1Xpro, making these 3 the best sounding arrangers out today, with the Roland G70 trailing behind. If Roland would only improve (freshen) a number of their dated styles/sounds, as well as update their chord recognition palette to include pro jazz chord voicings; as Yamaha, Technics did from the get go, and of which Ketron & Korg have added more recently, they could easily displace the current top three. Only time will tell I suppose. Back to the SD1+ w/ EXP: I STRONGLY recommend someone producing some high quality A/B song demos to highlight the dramatic sound improvements afforded with the EXP board. Scott ------------------ http://scottyee.com
#111569 - 02/03/06 02:09 PM
Re: SD1 EXP Review
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by Dnj: while reading Scott’s review which I appreciate as he was actually there at the NAMM show, but imo there is still that one KB is better than yours flavor in it. Donny, I think you've got a vividly wild imagination to have "read that" into what I actually said. Re-reading my posting, I find NOTHING in my comments suggesting my keyboard (Tyros2), though admittedly my current fav, is any better than yours, or anybody elses. I've acknowledged from the onset, that it's not a question of mines better than yours, but about discovering which kb best suited for one's individual personal playing style. I've now had a chance to audition & play ALL the major top arranger contenders out there (GEM Genesys, Korg PA1X, Ketron SD1+ w/EXP, Ketron SD5, Ketron Midjay, Roland G70, and Yamaha Tyros2), and expressing my personal subjective impressions & comparisons (both strengths & weaknesses). Donny: Back on the the subject of 'mines better than yours', What I find interesting is that even though you haven't actually played them all yourself (correct me if I'm wrong), you've already expressed, as evidenced in your postings, strong opinions about them, both PRO: SD1+ w/ EXP, and CON: Tyros2 (particularly). Also, because a picture's (or in this case the music) is worth a thousand words, how about posting some more impressive  song demos produced with your Midjay and Roland A37 controller. I'd especially love to hear the Midjay's 'acoustic piano' patch played live & recorded via your Roland A37. Scott 