Donny & Dave,
Just listened to BOTH your (what I assume were) East Coast renditions (?) of "Just A Gigolo". Nice renditions overall, but . .
I couldn't keep from cracking up hearing BOTH you guys pronounce the first 'g' in gigolo as a hard 'g' instead of a 'j'. Sounded more like computer talk: a Gigolo Gigabyte
Too much time on the computer perhaps !?
Here on the West Coast, and on all the recordings I've ever heard (from Louis Prima on down the line), the first "G" is pronounced like a "J"".
Dictionary.Com's Pronunciation key for 'gigolo': Just A Gigolo clip: Nick Carter (Backsreet Boys): Just A Gigolo clip: Louis Prima Clip: Wondered if anybody else noticed this as well:
Uncle Dave's rendition: Donny Pesce's rendition: Scott