Originally posted by manic2257:
scott check out the upcoming korg op sys update..it incudes support for rootless chord voicings.
Manic2257: My oversite for missing this important feature when I read Harosha's above OS 2.5 feature set. Many thanks

for pointing this out. I'm truly encouraged by the news, as if this really is true and Korg implements chord recognition of the following chord voicings (and of course in all keys), then I'm definitely going to be taking a SERIOUS look at adding the Korg PA1X or PA1Xpro to my keyboard performance arsenal.
Here are the specific rootless style chords, with kb set in SPLIT mode with LH playing 'full-fingered' chords, that I'm hoping Korg finally implements with OS 2.5. I hope PA1X/PA1XPro owner here will, after upgrading to OS 2.5, will test and confirm that the following chords are recognized when played as follows:
II-V7-I Chord Progression
Key of C:
Dm9: F1 - C2 - E2
G13: F1 - B1 - E2
C69: E1 - A1 - D2
C9: E1 - Bb1 - D2
I of course expect the above 4 sets of chord voicings to be recognized similarly in ALL TWELVE keys as well.
The above chord recognition table (in all keys) is currently INCLUDED on all Yamaha, Technics, and Ketron arranger keyboards so it's really an encouraging sign to discover that Korg will FINALLY come onboard as well.
In addition to the above, Technics keyboard chord recognition expands on this and includes 2 hand rootless style voicing chord recognition in FULL keyboard mode as well. Yamaha doesn't include this. Though Full keyboard mode root chord recognition isn't essential for me, it would certainly be appreciated. I'm really curious now, if Korg is going to implement rootless chord recognition the way Yamaha did or the way Technics did. Either way, it sounds like exciting news (at least for me). Now if Roland finally implements rootless chord recognition too, I would be one happy arranger player, with the ability to FREELY choose between & feel comfortable playing (professionally) all of the major manufacterer arranger kbs out there. Because Chris Halon (who helped design & program for Technics) and who I've discused this rootless chord recognition issue with, has recently been hired on by Roland, I'm confident that Roland may soon follow suit with rootless chord recognition as well. At least I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Originally posted by manic2257:
...also dont forget that yes, whilst we only have the ten fingers, thats what we play physically, then add sustain pedals, multi instrument sounds etc etc etc, so if you think about it objectively you would see that there could be a problem for some players, unless of course you just play single finger chords???
.Yes. Good points. I concur that controlers & notes can eat up a lot of polyphony, but again, as Fran Carango stated earlier in this thread, it all depends 'how' the manufacterer allocates it that determines when notes actually begin to DROP OUT. Interestingly enough, I've played keyboards which tout high 128 note polyphony yet was able to drop out notes, but playing similarly on the PA1Xpro (with mere 62 note polyphony), no notes dropped out. Go figure. I guess what I'm stressing, is the only real way to truly determine if a keyboard can handle your playing requirements is to test drive the keyboard yourself to determine if it drops notes (from your style of playing) or not.