I'll agree with all that Scott is saying above ...I also had the Z2200's & there was hardly any midrange for vocals & too much boomy bass....
Just to be sure I just played 3 small gigs with just the T2 & the Yamaha MS50 speakers w/sub (black older version) just to be sure it could do the job.....I'll tell ya, I was impressed & in a small situation with 25-75 people it covered nicely, a little EQ goes a long way

.......with that said ...
I went ahead & ordered a Set of TYROS TRS M02 speakersw/sub from SZ Member/Dealer George Kaye who gave me a nice deal.......if your interested in gear give him a shout he'll do you right, he even called me to chat about it also,
great honest dealer !!
Im impressed with the ease of hook up/brackets and the sound is very very usuable for sure...
Down the road I would love to A/B the T2 Satlites with the Bose 161's as per Scotts recomendation also just to settle my curiosity.
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 05-16-2006).]