Hmm yeah well what can I say tek, he's into his own gig these days...sorta like the poster boy for electronica. His stuff is nothing that you or I can't do though with a variphrase and a good wav editor, throw in a pizza and a 6 pack. Although both from nearby on the east coast, I dash and hide from the limelight. The limelight exposes you to the "Wrigley Factor"
It's like a piece of gum you pull it out of the pack and it looks great then take off the sleeve, looking better unravel the foil and there it is mmmm pop it in your mouth and chew chew chew ...hmmm ½ hr later you are looking for a trash can. by the time an hour goes by it must be removed immediately fahpooom it goes flying out of your mouth on the freeway. There you are in the carpool lane of the 405 right next to the drain. not an easy place to come pull out from only to get back on the long escalator ride to get chewed up and spit out again.
Example: Any female vocalist
After a while, everybody pumps their own petrol