#118694 - 01/16/06 11:45 AM
I'm out Folks! !! Peace :)
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Well after over five years here at the Zone I've decided to move on. Things here aren't what they used to be. The climate here has changed considerably.
This forum used to be a place where we could share all our ideas and opinions about our keyboards, gigs, and just life in general. Sadly it's not the same forum.
Posting a honest reply to another member shouldn't result in negativity from other forum members. We should be free to voice our opinions without being bombarded with 3rd grade retaliation techniques, and the old "mine's bigger than yours attitude", and the truly sad "let's see you do it better mentality".
I strongly feel that there is a bias on this forum towards Yamaha keyboards. I'm not the only one either. Even though it's the "General Arranger Keyboard Forum". Negative remarks towards Yamaha's (even when they're true) result in childish behavior from other members either in a direct post or private emial.
I won't even get started on the emails I've had sent to me from other members just becaused I said something negative about Yamaha arrangers. All I have to say about that is too all who think their Yamaha is "it and the only one" need to come off their high horses and understand that Yamaha is not the only keyboard out there.
I've said it in a recent post and I'll say it again (just cleaner) If you got the guts to post a composition for criticism here on the Zone, then you better have the guts to take that criticism both negative and positive. Sugarcoating your opinions doesn't help anyone.
Thanks to all the members here who have been helpful to me over the past 5+ years. For that I'm thankful. I've talked to some very interesting people over that time through the Zone and outside of it as well. Good luck to you all in your plans for the future with your music. I hope all goes well for you.
At this point I just prefer to check in every so often and read posts. I no longer have the desire to participate in any discussions or offer opinions (even when asked) about any user compositions or anything else.
I came to this forum as a Synth Junkie just getting into arrangers. Sadly the same jerks are on both sides. For all those synth junkies who think the synths are the world and the arrangers are the dirt beneath their feet, I've learned from this forum there are just as many arranger players who feel just the same--only on the oposite side.
Bottom line is it doesn't matter what you are "synth junkie", "arranger junkie", making music is the same on both sides. We just all do it in different ways.
Also thank you Nigel for providing a place for us players to meet from all corners of the world.
Forever and a day, and Peace Out! Squeak
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#118695 - 01/16/06 11:49 AM
Re: I'm out Folks! !! Peace :)
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
#118699 - 01/16/06 12:59 PM
Re: I'm out Folks! !! Peace :)
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
I have to admit, I've been feeling equally frustrated here on Synthzone (though feeling the opposing negatism towards Tyros2) of which I currently owh. I've grown sick & tired of those few blow hards here (you know who you are) who keep having to remind me (and the rest of us) what a pro musician you are, and how many gigs you have, or how much $ you make. Frankly, I don't care whether a member is a big $ making pro or amateur (who often can play better than some of us pros here anyway). For me, it's all about making music on an arranger keyboard (no matter which brand/model you got). I've long wished discussions here focused more on the universal things all us arranger players SHARE in COMMON: Posting our arranger produced songs, and sharing playing techniques specifically applicable to arranger playing, no matter what brand/model.
Ok, I own a Tyros2 arr keyboard, but also appreciate other brands/models as well, and if you check my posts, my comments made to song posters, are almost always about the MUSIC, not so much about whether this brand/model kb's sax sounds better than another one. We need to look beyond Equipment. What I listen for in one's music to shine thru (no matter which KB is utilized) is the keyboard player's personal music message. That's "what really counts" in music to me. - Scott
#118700 - 01/16/06 01:12 PM
Re: I'm out Folks! !! Peace :)
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
Man, you can't go anywhere until you publish photos of that great restored Firestone bike!
I understand your frustration! I just laugh at the "my keyboard is better than yours", or other ego driven posts trying to "one-up" others. By nature, performers are competitive and many are ego driven.
Let it roll off. Laugh to yourself, and keep in contact with those of us who would miss your passionate input.
I'm one of them!
PS: If it would help, let's get together, start a fire and melt a pile of those damn, plastic, grey Yammies! (JUST KIDDING, FOLKS...HONEST!).
[This message has been edited by captain Russ (edited 01-16-2006).]
#118701 - 01/16/06 01:13 PM
Re: I'm out Folks! !! Peace :)
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Hey Squeak, isn't this like committing suicide to spite someone else. That rarely achieves the desired effect. I guarantee that the guys will forget you long before you forget the guys. If you enjoy participating in the forum then stick around, if not, then by all means leave. Butttttt, usually the guys that are TRULY disenchanted just leave and don't bother to make an announcement to that effect. I know how frustrating and emotional cyber-communications can be, but it's like road rage; you just have to suck it up and keep driving (safely). I recently bought a PA1x pro to go with my Tyros 2 and am half-heartedly looking for a G70.....that's so I can comfortably argue on both sides of every issue (GEM, Ketron, and Casio don't count  ). C'mon, suck it up, brother. If I were to be perfectly honest, your own initial response to the G70 post wasn't exactly a "warm fuzzy". Of course I can only speak for myself, but, if I had invested over 5 years in a cyber-community, I wouldn't let one post that rubbed me the wrong way send me packing. But whatever you decide, whatever direction you decide to go in, STAY AWAY FROM COUNTRY TUNES  . chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]