#118881 - 10/16/03 12:50 PM
Re: How's your Diet Progressing?
In a previous thread I wrote about how skeptical I am about Atkins (and other radical diets): http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/006445.html Loosing weight in a healthy manner is extremely easy if one has the will. Just follow the main guidelines, reducing all foods that bring lots of calories: sugars, everything fried, somes kinds of fat. I essencially modified my eating habits. Less fat sauces, cheese, milk, red meat, more fish, a much bigger amount of vegetables, fruits, moderation of carbohydrates if I'm really into reducing weight. I'm not a vegetarian, but I can perfectly live without meat (and in fact I eat less and less meat). Well cooked vegetarian food is delicious! And I've know many vegetarians (by religious belief), all of them where healthy and fit. And apart from being healthier (so I believe), it's also much better for the environment. -- José. [This message has been edited by matias (edited 10-16-2003).]
#118884 - 10/16/03 01:45 PM
Re: How's your Diet Progressing?
Sure, Don, and I surely do not claim to have the most valuable opinion here. Besides, I'm no doctor, and even among experts, the controversy is generalized.
My only points are:
* Not everything that "works" (or seems to work) is good for me. In a lot of domains there are many ways to answer a specific question. I need to understand HOW it works, before I decide if it's good or not for me.
* I will not choose a radical, expensive and potencially dangerous diet when I know I can achieve the same results in a natural, free, and risk free manner.
I know Aktins and many other diets work for a lot of people. That's why it's so popular, and that's why the man became a millionary. But there's no miracle in it, and it's not the best way to be healthy (IMO, of course. I'm only a non expert guy that makes up his mind with the data he gets to understand.
-- José.