#118926 - 10/21/03 08:02 PM
Re: How's your Diet Progressing?
Registered: 12/04/99
Posts: 836
Loc: Lancaster UK
Hi B2 I think to assume that the entire membership of this forum is Christian is a pretty big leap on your part.
Last time I checked it was still ok to excercise free will and choose what to believe (or not as the case may be). I am not having a go at your faith, each to his own as far as I am concerned. In fact I applaud the certainty you have in what you believe.
Scott made a simple statement of fact (whether it was a joke or not it was still fact). Our thought processes, our view of the world around us and ultimately our morals DO depend on what we beleive.
Your statement is arrogant and dissmisive of other belief systems and as such I find it insulting. You are right in that some things are not funny.
I don't find it at all funny that if I were a Wiccan and said that God was the earth, or if I was a Buddist and did not beleive in any God but in achieving perfection through reincarnation,....and I made such statements on this forum I would be villified for my belief.
However it seems that Christians can and do (time and again on this forum) feel free to recite their doctrine with little thought for others and yet are the first to cry shame when the tables are turned.
I really don't care what you belive, nor do I expect you to care what I believe. I do expect that we all have the maturity and common courtesy to accept that we are a diverse bunch and consider the same before making post such as yours condeming outright opposing points of view.
Someone said that most of the worlds problems are down to religion. I disagree! Most of the worlds problems are down to the way we practice our religions. If Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Pagan, Buddist, and the rest concentrated on the human race and how best their various creeds could affect it for the better instead of evangelism and conversion we would all be better off.
My way or no way is what causes all the problems and it gets my back up. Apologies for diverting this thread but I could not let this one go either. Tony
#118927 - 10/21/03 08:33 PM
Re: How's your Diet Progressing?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Tony, Your point is well taken, but true faith transends manners. If you don't believe in your heart that you are following the right path, then you probably AREN'T. To assume that we all belive the same is unrealistic, but to believe that your faith and dogma is only "percieved" to be true is like not believing at all.
You gotta have your convictions. My Christian faith allows tolerance for those who believe other than I do, but it also teaches that we should try to spread the truth to the non believers.
I have room for other views and faiths, but in my heart I believe that my God is the one true God. If you don't feel the same .... you may as well scrap your belief system. What's that wise saying..... "You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything." Brian was only trying to spread the good news to all. We're not preaching here, just trying to set a good example in our own way. I don't think the world will ever be united as one faith in our lifetime, and as for Christians ... there's a whole story about if that ever happens anyway. Scary stuff will follow THAT phenomenon, according to a guy named John.
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#118928 - 10/22/03 05:13 AM
Re: How's your Diet Progressing?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by B2: There is only 1 God my friend....and HE not only has the market on the truth...he is the truth.... Hi B2 :Though I respect (and may agree) with your deeply held religious conviction, I feel it was inappropriate the way you presented it here, as a 'hard fact'. Our SZ family consists of many wonderful members from many differing religious (or non religious) backgrounds. To respect the feelings of people who may hold equally strong (but different) religious convinctions than yours, I think it would have been better to have presented it as your 'personal belief' instead. Just my opinion. Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
My Christian faith allows tolerance for those who believe other than I do, but it also teaches that we should try to spread the truth to the non believers. This somehow sounds a bit 'holier than thou' to me, as I don't believe Christians hold any 'patent' in the tolerance department. I think we 'all' need to be practicing: 'acceptance', and not merely 'tolerance'. . On the subject of spreading the (truth?), I dislike the type of religious groups who instill fear & intimidation (threatening an after life in hell unless you convert), or when they attempt to promote their brand of religion as the 'only' path to enlightenment, with an eternal afterlife spent in heaven vs hell. These kind of manipulative tactics are (to me) intended to feed on people's fears and insecurities. Originally posted by Tony W:
it seems that Christians can and do (time and again on this forum) feel free to recite their doctrine with little thought for others and yet are the first to cry shame when the tables are turned. Tony, I agree. In light of all this, I feel that religious debate has no place on the Synthzone forum. It will only to lead to divisiveness and division. Afterall, look at world history. The majority of all wars have been started over religion. Let's keep the topic on the thing we all share: arranger keyboards & music.  Scott
#118931 - 10/22/03 07:59 PM
Re: How's your Diet Progressing?
Registered: 11/09/01
Posts: 217
Loc: Westfield, Massachesetts, USA
Tony W. I never took any leap of faith in assuming everyone was Christian. My remarks weren't just for Christians. Actually, they were just a comment for Scott, whether or not he is a believer isn't the issue. I just spoke about something I saw that bothered me personally. Guess I could have e-mailed him and saved you the trouble of reading it. Regarding the rest of your comments, I have no comment. One thing I've learned the hard way, this not the time or place for this topic. I would love to debate your thoughts on another forum, but out of respect for the Synth Zone faithful, I will leave it alone. Uncle Dave, Thanks for your eloquence... Scott, we can agree to dis-agree...big time....but...this is the Synth Zone, and I apologize for getting side tracked. Music is the theme...so on with....diets????? Brian