Hello all,
I recently spent some time using 'Sony Soundforge' to tweak my previously recorded Tyros2 DEMO SONGS. They were orignally performed & recorded live (in arranger mode) on my Tyros2 keyboard and then simply transfered to my PC and converted into a compressed WMA file with no software post processing. After having re-listened to these songs recently, I felt some of them lacked mid range vocal clarity (aka muffled). I've since discovered that post processing in Soundforge has helped to improve the sound quality & clarity.
Here's what I did (in Soundforge) to my songs:
1) Re-adjusted EQ level to boost mid-upper frequencies
2) Applied Sound Forge 'Smooth-Enchance Feature': +3 enhance setting
3) Normalized Volume level
Here are the Demo Songs I recorded on Tyros2 and have now tweaked with Sony Soundforge:
Come Running
Crazy Love
I Get Along Without You Very Well
Nine Million Bicycles In Beijing
This Could Be The Start Of Something Big
California Here I Come
You Don't Know Me
I invite you all to please have a listen to all my song demos (12) for the first time (or once again, if you've already heard them before) and tell me what you think of the relative sound quality. Keep in mind though that these are compressed (192 kbps) windows media (.wma) files.
I'm also interested in feedback on which song(s) are your favorites and least favorite(s).
On ANOTHER note: I've discovered that when my website's: SONG DEMOS page is displayed in Internet Explorer, that depending on which: View > Text Size (Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, Smallest) is selected , that it drastically affects the alignment of the text shown. On my PC, my website's: SONG DEMO page text alignment is optimized for MEDIUM size. Unfortunately when the text size view is switched to any of the other sizes (Largest, Larger, Smaller, Smallest), proper text alignment is lost, with Larger & Largest looking the worst. I maintain & edit my website using Microsoft Frontpage. Is there anything I can do to get the web page to look properly aligned regardless of which IE "text view size" selected?
Thanks in advance to all for your feedback & input on both my SONG DEMOS, as well as any advice you can give me on how to get my website SONG DEMO PAGE to look properlly aligned, irregardless of IE 'text display' size selected.
Ok, Click
HERE to go to my website's: Song Demo page, and listen to my Demo Song collection (12 songs). Thanks. Scott
