Well the Holidays are upon us..plus thru the year there are many more that we perform at. I personally hate to dress in some kind of costume. I feel stupid and for the most part I cannot sing & play songs and put my heart into it when I have a silly DAVEY CROCKET, ABE LINCOLN, NAPOLEON, or other Wild Hat on...or an ELVIS WIG, Vampire Cape, Big Mickey Mouse Ears, Bumble Bee Antennas w/Lites, Dracula Makeup w/Fangs, or wearing Hawaiian Leis, Cowboy Hats, etc etc... on a hot day I'll go for shorts and a Tropical print shirt for a pool party, but thats it. I am most comfortabe dressed formal TUX, or Tux w/vest only open shirt combo. I feel better and comfortable. Anything on my head or around my neck bothers my singing/playing style. I'm not a circus act. I was wondering how you felt about "Dressing in Costume etc " while playing Holiday/Theme parties out there?

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 10-30-2003).]