#122574 - 04/05/02 02:05 PM
Re: Wersi Abacus
Registered: 06/10/00
Posts: 76
Loc: UK
I agree totally with the posting below. As a potential Wersi customer I went to Brett's house last year. His playing was terrible and all he could do was load a poor rendition of Chariots of Fire from his PC and then he tried to play over the top of the sequence. The video is also useless. The demonstrator shows no interest and puts no feeling into his performance at all. His playing is also poor. How do Wersi expect to sell these over priced instruments when their demonstrators lack technical ability. I've also seen both people in question play at concerts. Just how much they play live is debatable. I wish people would stop using sequencers and start playing 100% live. Who are they kidding? If you pay good money for a concert you want to hear them play. You may as well hire the organ/keyboard out from a shop and load a disk into it for people to listen to. I can understand them using sequencers when they make a CD, I'm all for using modern technology. Anyway, any would be Wersi purchasers shop around before you part with your hard earned cash. Originally posted by Mike H: Here is an excerpt from a fellow who wrote me from overseas re: the Abacus - notice his preference.
Forget the Abacus, it's a load of rubbish (expensive rubbish at �4000+). I heard it about 9 months ago at Brett Wales's house who is a Wersi demonstrator. His playing was terrible, the instrument was terrible and their video on the Abacus is also poor. It's a wonder how they actually sell any of these. I have now sold the VA76 but still use my Roland G1000 and Ketron SD1. I was one of the first in the UK to own a SD1 and with the new version 2 software update it rocks! If you are serious about keyboards and would prefer a 76 note one, the SD1 is the best by far on the market. It's easy to use, has large sampled sounds (the saxophones, pianos, choirs, strings, organs and guitars are astonishing) and the styles, well, I can't find one that I don't like or isn't useable. The hard drive is great, very quick. I've tried the vocal harmoniser that comes as standard and it works very well. I was quite surprised by this feature. It's far better than a Digitech vocalist. I can honestly say the SD1 is the best arranger I've purchased and I've had quite a few over the years.
#122577 - 04/07/02 04:28 AM
Re: Wersi Abacus
Registered: 01/30/02
Posts: 47
Loc: cyprus
Hi to all of you, if there should be a single comment is 'try before you decide'. I have not seen or heard Brett Wales so I cannot commend on his perfomance.I have seen the Abacus Video that Wersi UK has produced and it is terrible.(!) But I play the Abacus professionaly since 1.11.01 and I can tell you it is great because of : 1.High quality (24bit)sounds using three different on board generators.Currently AKAI sounds can be loaded and with new version OAS4 a Gigasampler can be used as a fourth sound genertator.Maximum polyphony is more than 128 notes. 2.Eas of use :A multitude of (progammable) buttons,Real time volume sliders and color touch screen,not to forget a high quality keyboard (IMHO). 3.Memory capacity:Number of sounds ,styles,sequences,waves,MP3s,etc lmited only by hard disk size 100x10 total presets where you can save at a touch of button all the settings including mixing,style etc. 4.with Style convert you can have ANY style available. 5.Versatile:its a keyboard with a digital mixer,vocalist, and a normal Windows PC (also using XP with OAS4)including CDBurner (optional) in one box.NO CRASHES!!! 6.Infinite updateability.Current version 4.0 .Updates are done in some minutes by loading the s/w from CD.No chips to change. IMHO it is great!If you can put your hands and ears on it pls do it.If the price or the marketing is not 'right'that is another story.
#122583 - 05/21/02 04:36 PM
Re: Wersi Abacus
Junior Member
Registered: 05/14/02
Posts: 3
Loc: Mill, Noord-Brabant, Netherlan...
Hi Roel,
At this moment i'm playing a Roland G1000. I'm very satisfied with it, but for some reasons i want to buy a new 76 keys keyboard. The Vocalist part for live performances, The drawbars section, live-sounding styles, sampling. At that part two keyboards fit: Solton SD1 and Yamaha psr9000pro. The only problem: i haven't got the sounds of the G1000 anymore, but the Roland VA76 has no vocalist and drawbar part.
Before i'm going to Germany (musik produktiv I want to know whether the Solton has 3 splits zones like the g1000 (split one= lower 1 and 2, split 2= upper 3, split 3= upper 1 and two with a swith button. This is really important for my playing. I downloaded the SD1 manual but i can't find for 100% sure that i can split the keys like above. Do you know the answers? Ren�
Original: I'm not suprised you had the same 'trouble' with the Wersi-stuff. I live close to the Overijssel/Drente/Germany borders (Coevorden) and it would be great to meet you here... Perhaps Germany is an option for you ? (Ibbenburen Musik-Produktiv)