#123449 - 01/29/07 08:36 AM
(OT) Music Pad Pro update
Senior Member
Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2207
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Well, the first week of gigs with the MPP has come and gone and all I can say is.. WOW!!! Really, I had zero problems with it on all my gigs last week. Obviously, preparation is critical, but I guess I had my ducks in a row and it was just a breeze. No more music stand, pit lights, over-stuffed folder of music to mess with, no large crate of music on the stage next to me... At both club dates this weekend, members of the audience actually asked to come up on stage to check it out while I was playing. The client on Saturday couldn't believe that ALL my music was already scanned into the unit and in order. He also told everyone about it during his announcements on break, lol...The older folks thought it ingenious that I could turn pages by just touching the MPP screen. My typical routine is (on the Tyros 2, that is) as I approach the end of a song, I've already pulled up the next one, but not engaged it. So, first song ends...Touch the MPP once and it's ready...I hit two buttons on the T2 and it's ready...That's it...It takes about 3 seconds to get into the next tune. Even my sax player who usually rejects anything made after 1950 commented how slick this was and how easy it made my job. That's huge, because in almost ten years of working with him, he NEVER has anything nice to say to anyone about anything, lol... How much better can this get? Again, this is a closeout model, with an updated software download that I paid $399.00 Talk about a piece of equipment intelligently designed with the working musician in mind... IMO, Freehand nailed it!  Bill in Dayton [This message has been edited by Bill in Dayton (edited 01-29-2007).]
Bill in Dayton
#123451 - 01/29/07 09:11 AM
Re: (OT) Music Pad Pro update
Senior Member
Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2207
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Of course I do, lol... I've put everything away, but my sets are still in working order, so...worse case scenario...
Assuming it fails without warning in the middle of a gig...
I'll announce a short break...bring the old box of sheet music, old music stand and pit light, have it all set up in under 5 minutes and be back in business.
Actually, my bass player still uses his sheet music, I'd probably NOT take a break at all, rather, take his music-have him read over my shoulder on the tunes he needs to...then set my back-up plan in motion on the next regular break we take...
Sometimes I feel like I'm running Noah's Arc...I have two of everything and/or a backup plan for every piece of equipment I use.
I do not wish to talk any more about my equipment failing on me. I think to discuss it is bad luck, lol...
------------------ Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton
#123460 - 01/30/07 08:30 AM
Re: (OT) Music Pad Pro update
Registered: 09/22/05
Posts: 256
Loc: Hilton Head, SC, USA
Bill: That's not a master reset on the back - it only brings up the screen calibration page so you can get your mouse to work again. And BTW: v4 does not include the MP3 player... you have to upgrade to v4 AND pay an extra $50 for the "Premium Tools" unlock code (a rip). I've never had v3 so I don't know if it's more stable or not but it seems like a better deal price-wise to get basic functionality instead of paying extra to get higher-res and lots of frustration. Here's a link to my v4.0.6 bug documentation on Freehand's forums. A few highlights: * When using the annotation tool in the MP Manager, if you place the text entry box too high on the score, the program crashes. * If you use the erase tool with a different background color other than white, the "erases" remain white resulting in a messy display. The erased score area is supposed to change with the background color. * The EQ function in XMMS media player does not work. Actually most functions other than the play button in XMMS do not work. * When you load the saved playlists into XMMS it causes the XMMS player to crash. * XMMS starts playback of some MP3 files several seconds into the file rather than at the beginning. No explanation or solution. * The volume control on XMMS, which defaults to 64%, reverts back to 64% no matter what volume you set it to. * Sometimes when you try to playback an MP3 file using XMMS, the player gets "stuck" in some kind of loop temporarily and makes a soft popping sound that sounds very much like a record stuck in a groove. The pad freezes when this happens and there's nothing you can do but wait it out. * Sometimes a loud audio pop occurs when you start playback of MP3 files in XMMS. These are all faults I submitted to Freehand last spring and nothing has been done to date. [This message has been edited by Esh (edited 01-30-2007).]
#123465 - 01/31/07 07:43 AM
Re: (OT) Music Pad Pro update
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I'm sorry Esh is not going to get his problems solved too. In my case,I got mine upgraded to v4, but opted not to buy the mp3 and midi playback capability, so this doesn't bother me .
Other than what Esh mentioned,I believe all I gained from my upgrade was a better playlist function.
I still wouldn't part with mine for the $1100 I paid.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#123477 - 02/01/07 04:21 AM
Re: (OT) Music Pad Pro update
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703