#124145 - 08/25/07 02:05 AM
Re: Collaboration, anyone?
Registered: 03/20/01
Posts: 847
Loc: Nashvville TN
Whenever someone hires me over the net to record something, I will usually have them send me a high bit mp3 llike 256 or 320 of the track. Then I will do my part, send them an mp3 back to them with my part mixed in. If they like it, then I will send them a wave of my part, so that they can put it back into their DAW and manipulate it.
The hardest thing I can foresee is how everyone will know what to play. I mean, will everybody work from just the original scratch track, or will one person at a time record, so that the next person who records will be able to hear what the first person did. Since it is just a "for fun" project, it probably doesn't make a lot of difference, but it would seem to me to be a bit hard to know how much or how little to play, if you don't know who and what else is going to be mixed in.
One thing is certain, there should be one person who receives all the files from all the players, who is compotent at editing and mixing, so that he can create the final project; taking out parts that turn out not to be necessary, properly EQ'ing, panning, assigning effects, etc.
And another important thing to note, do not trim your waves. Even if you only play for 30 seconds out of a 3 minute song; export a wave that is exactly as long as the original song file you received. Yes, it will take up a lot more bandwidth to upload and download, but it will be infinitely easier to re-compile so everything stays in the same place in the timecode.
#124147 - 08/25/07 08:51 AM
Re: Collaboration, anyone?
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Well, Fran, sure sounds like a good base to start from. I checked a few "free" file storage sites and 4Shared.com seems to be the most generous with free storage, bandwidth, etc. I don' think this is going to be the problem. I think the problem is going to be getting a concensus (especially on this board  ) of what song, what genre, what style, etc., to do. For a pilot run, it might be best to just make a command decision and pick something. The resulting furor should help sort out what SHOULD have been picked. In the meantime, I'll sign up for 4Share. I'm guessing those that want to participate would have to sign up as well (for uploading). In the meantime, keep those suggestions coming (especially for song choice - OR, submit a sketch of your original. As I said, the parts submitted would hopefully be of an acoustic instrument that you play, but instrumental parts played on your keyboard or softsynth would be okay. This will probably be a rocky start but if we just nurse it along, correcting mistakes and missteps as we go along, it could be a lot of fun. Please suggest or submit (original) a song for the test run. If left to me, it will probably be too jazz oriented. I don't personally care what the genre is as I am not above putting jazz piano solo on top of a pop arrangement. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#124152 - 08/25/07 04:17 PM
Re: Collaboration, anyone?
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Scott, my idea was to have more of a collaboration on a single agreed-upon piece of music, not a live jam session (although I'm open to other ideas). In my scenario, one of us would put down a minimal basic track (ie. piano, bass, and drums) and others would add an arrangement part such as strings, rhythm guitar, horns, etc. OR a instrumental solo (maybe a vocal later after we get the process down). This would all be funneled to our "engineer" who would mix the part (offline) and resubmit the song with the new part. Everyone would then be allowed to critique the added part and make suggestions for change (or possible deletion). We would continue the process until we had an arrangement + solo that we liked or until the engineer's patience wore out, whichever comes first. Initially, I think we should follow Donny's suggestion and just put up a simple chord progression played by someone's arranger keyboard (without adornment - fills but probably no intros or endings; fade-in, fill, song, tag, fade-out, maybe). We should agree on a general style and let as many people as want contribute a base track. The participants would choose one to work on. There won't be much room for egos, though. If three people submit string parts, we will (by consensus) pick the one most appropriate for the tune (in other words, the best one  ). Depending on the patience of the engineer, we may do alternate mixes with different part selections. We'll see. One thing I was hoping for was to get at least some non-keyboard solos from some of the fine musicians here that play other instruments, especially sax and guitar. This is just a rough idea of how I see it but I'm completely open to suggestions. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]