#124462 - 11/02/05 05:57 PM
Re: Roland G-70 OS2.01 just released
Registered: 07/29/02
Posts: 935
Loc: South Africa
#124466 - 11/03/05 04:01 AM
Re: Roland G-70 OS2.01 just released
Registered: 08/12/02
Posts: 673
Loc: malaga, spain
There are 5 main boards in the frame,every now and again there are upgrades and new models,which is what keeps up the competition,and thats a good thing,if people wish to stay loyal to one board thats fine,its about enjoying what we have ,maybe Ketron will bring out a new board and the whole thing starts again,its not a problem,we have to ALL realise that until a company comes out with everything in one board,which won,t happen cause we won,t need to buy another board,so lets by all means share opinions,and act like MEN (or women ) and not kids,and STAY a friendly forum,mike
#124468 - 11/03/05 04:43 AM
Re: Roland G-70 OS2.01 just released
Registered: 10/02/04
Posts: 113
Loc: UK
As a current owner of a G70, my view on the release of the new operating system is as follows:
- I am very pleased to find that Roland has responded quickly to a particular problem reported by G70 owners
- Roland's support for owners of it's products seems to have improved dramatically within the last year or so. They seem a lot more active than was historically the case (judging by the previous poor support for my older VA76)
- While this "point one" release is to fix a specific bug, so it's purpose is known, I still wish Roland would make a point of listing bug fixes, as well as new features, when releasing any OS upgrade. My beleif is that they are reluctant to do this as it implies that their were flaws in the product to begin with. In constrast, Korg is very good at listing the bug fixes in it's OS releases, and doesn't seem to suffer negative publicity for their honesty. Personally I admire them for being straight with their customers and feel that their openness is reasuring.
- These days, most (all?) keyboards of this complexity have the odd bug or two on shipping. Whilst it would be nice if they were all perfect at launch, realistically it would take so long to iron out every little quirk that the things would be out of date before they hit the shops. Whilst the G70 may have been born with more than it's fair share of "issues", at least Roland are doing something about it, within the limitations of the hardware.
I make these comments not as a Roland fan, in particular (I am actually very critical of both the VA and the G70, whilst accepting that they do the job I want at the moment), but more in the interests of fairness.
Roland are doing an increasingly good job of supporting their G70 owners at the moment, not perfect, but pretty good.
I still have memories of the none existant tone editor software programme promised for the £10,000 Yamaha HX1 I used to own, the zero support for the rubbish Korg i30 I bought to replace it's excellent i3 predecessor, etc etc etc. Just goes to show that ALL manufacturers could be better at customer support, at times - but at least Roland are trying at the moment. Don't knock 'em when they ARE doing something right!
Regards - Mike
[This message has been edited by MikeTV (edited 11-03-2005).]