This is a funny topic to me because I for some unknown reason ABSOLUTELY cannot talk and play my accordion at the same time. I've practiced doing it, etc., and nver was able to do it. It throws off my ryhthm.
People would come up to me and tell me stories of accordion players from yesteryear or their relative that still plays for Christmas or whatever the story may be. I can listen just fine but as soon as they ask a question if I try to answer I'll flub the song!
My XD3 has been a LIFESAVER in this aspect! Now when they come up to me I just let the rhythm and bass line play and play chords until they are through. They don't get offended, the audience doesn't get offended because they see me talking the the person which they like, and the dancers don't get offended because the beat never changes and the bass line keeps playing.
Thank you XD3!