Hello All,
Anyone who has tried to visit my site recently will know that it is gone. I had to change isp's because they stopped providing dsl and they just deleted my site without giving me the chance to retrieve any of it!
Well I made a new one. (Stop groaning at the back!)
and would appreciate if you could take a look and let me know that it all loads ok etc!
There is a new song up called 'In the Meantime' (you boys at the back again show some decorum!) and I have added a page to display my art (or lack of it!)
Two warnings ....first the art images are rather large so if you are on dialup you may want to give it a miss (though the thumbnail page is not too bad).
Secondly I call it art and my lovely Mother calls it pornography
So cover your eyes if you are inclined to be my Mother
It is the same addy as I have one of those rather cool short url thingies so you don't have to type the addy in full.
It is all not quite finished yet but I hope you like it anyway.
Very best to you all
Tony W