Hi Sesom
Really enjoyed 'Forgiven'
When I hear the term 'experimental music' I immediately have visions of people banging dustbin lids, blowing through steel pipes and wearing sandals

Whilst I am sure that this has artistic value on some levels it is not my bag.
HOWEVER (get to the point Tony

) I thought your stuff was excellent. Whilst certainly different it had a definate structure (as others have said) and the melody held me right to the end (or at least to the fade as I suspect this is a much longer peice in reality?) It definately has a classical form and in some ways puts me in mind of 'Enya' or 'Clannad' but more 'individual' than that.
Really good stuff and if you are only sixteen then I am sure you have a great future ahead of you in music.
Keep it up!
Very best to you
Tony W