Originally posted by Guardman2001:
[B]Actually, Alain, according to today's rates, that's about $1275.00 USD.
"""""I love the way you can take a style that isn't quite right and fill it out with the other board. B]
Yes, true Guardman, but it is a very expensive way of doing it
No seriously, I am a potential "buy a add on keyboard" person myself, and I have the KN6500 as well Gaurdman. Only thing is though, you can't exchange Yamaha files & Technics ones I believe?? - would there be any need to you may ask, since "I have both"? - well, Compatability is important, and I am on standby at the moment, and not decided which Keyboard to Buy. Could be a VA5/7 , could be a PA80 - and with a new operating update out now. But it could be a module also (Roland XV3080 is one that springs to mind in this ever decreasing bank account of mine
Gaurdman, 3 arranger keyboards linked together seems quite a "rhythm-full" - or even an Handful at that. I would be worried about getting all the 3 keyboards to work in sync with each other, and not the impression of a "Cluttered feel" to the sound.
Anyway Alain, Gaurdman, what do you think of this KN6500 then? good or what? and have either of you tried the Yamaha 9000 Pro models? (or PSR9000).
Alain, how do the sounds on the PSR2000 compare to the KN6500? (I know there is a big price gap, but keyboards are improving all the time (well - most that is)are the strings/solo cello/Sweet this,Cool that, etc as good as the KN6500 would you say Alain? (sound is subjective I know)
PS: (postscript) I understand the Yamaha PSR 2000 has about the same amount of sounds as the 9000 ones - but how much ROM is there in the PSR 2000?. there is 32MB wave ROM in the PSR 9000 - and 48 in the Pro version. With just a few sounds less, the PSR2000 may not have 32MB of ROM - but how much I wonder??? (it makes a differnece to the overall quality of the sound, and if the Yamaha psr2000 has just 16MB (say), then corners may have been cut somewhere....
Hope you enjoy anyways.
[This message has been edited by Jupiter5 (edited 09-18-2001).]