#129243 - 04/08/03 04:22 PM
Re: Need Advice regarding PC arranger software....
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
I'd have to ask Joe because I haven't tried this yet, but... you could convert the patches for the styles in his software to correspond to your Trinity and I think... you can save those changes. The hardest thing about doing that or even the way I do it in Style Updater is that each instrument track for each variation has it's own set of patch and controller instructions. For an 8 voice style with up to 15 variations counting fill ins, endings, intros, etc.. well.. when ya do the math it works out to 120 changes and of course without the shortcuts Michael's program gives me, if I have to rewrite each CC and patch into the file = 360. Whew... I can actually convert all the patches in a style in his program in a mater of 2 or 3 minutes.
Hmm... I wonder if there is a way to add a "freeze" function that would allow me change the patches once and then the software would ignore any further CC0, CC32, and patch messages ? What do you think about this idea Joe ?
Of course I can do this now with the Motif and the PA80 from within their own Operating systems, but not every software synth allows for this. The "lowly" Casio MZ2000 had a function that let me call up or recall any instrument / mixer setup I wanted, no matter what the style. I could also switch styles and use the freeze function on it to keep the instruments the same.
#129246 - 04/09/03 01:50 PM
Re: Need Advice regarding PC arranger software....
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
The files you refer to are cakewalk .ins files, and they are widely available for many synths. Unfortunately, they aren't the same as an .idf file. Herein lies the biggest problem for me. Each software manufacturer uses his / her own proprietary format for a particular piece of software, so while I've been fortunate to find Motif and PA80 files already available for Sonar, I've had to make new ones up for nearly every other software I have. Jammer pro uses a different format, BIAB still another, N track's sequencer another, etc etc.. I've made entire patch lists for Jammer and BIAB for both of my keyboards, and since I was able to edit them in notepad, things were a little easier. Still it gets tedious. I cut it down a lot in the Style Updater program. I wish there was a standard, such as the way midi is supposed to work. Of course Yamaha has put it's own spin on the midi "standard" by using patch numbers 1-128 for GM as opposed to the standard 0-127.
#129248 - 04/11/03 09:28 AM
Re: Need Advice regarding PC arranger software....
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
The Motif does have a GM bank, and it is bank 0, but the actual patch numbers themselves are setup from 1-128 as opposed to the standard 0-127. That's why it doesn't recognize the drums on channel 10. If you send a "0", no matter which bank or channel you use, the Motif always reverts to the GM acoustic piano. Also this is a problem lets say if I am supposed to get a gm acoustic bass sound coming from the style. The standard GM uses patch #32. Since the Motif is "off" by one, I get guitar harmonics with patch #32 ( normally patch 31 on standard GM ).
You're right about the freeze function in a lot of respects. Some yamaha styles do change patches from variation to variation, but with the problems of matching patches, once I set up the patches in my module to correspond to the style, I usually ignore this and just keep the patch the same anyway. Even though it doesn't allow for an "authentic' replication of the style, it usually sounds good in spite of it. The other cool thing about the MZ2k freeze is that I could take the instrument setup from a jazz fusion style for example and quickly apply it to a funk style.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 04-11-2003).]
#129250 - 04/11/03 02:22 PM
Re: Need Advice regarding PC arranger software....
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
My understanding of the hexidecimal system as it applies to midi is minimal at best. I'm quite sure you are right Joe, but in the end, it still doesn't work right for whatever reason on the Motif, and no matter what I do I can't get the drum sound right.
It isn't that big of a deal for tyhis user anyway, because I'm not particularly interested in using the GM sounds of the Motif. Some of them are very good (GM Ac and el pianos are excellent ), many others are not. ( GM guitars / reeds / organs are among the worst ). If I'm not able to make an instrument file that will correspond to the preset Motif voices, I'm better off going my original route and just altering the styles themselves. In this manner, I never have to adjust anything again once I've altered the style.. just load it up and play, whether it be OMB or a Yamaha arranger controlling the Motif. This is the only solution I can see that will work in real time ( quickly ) anyway in order to avoid the GM patches.
I use several user voices too. In the end I don't need to converted a lot of Yamaha styles. I use a small amount in real time, and I rarely use them for finished compositions, preferring to make my own backing tracks. I do use them sometimes just to start an idea though, then go back and replace the parts later on. This is where OMB can be most useful to me. I can quickly set down different progressions and build from there.