#129204 - 03/28/03 10:39 PM
Re: Need Advice regarding PC arranger software....
Registered: 09/10/02
Posts: 126
Loc: California, USA
BP, the more I play with Jammer pro, the more im falling in love man !!! Seriously, The sounds coming out and the way the arrangements are made are truly professional sounding. I also loaded up Jammer live and it plays for about a minute then It quits because of course its a demo, but one thats where im confused.. Isnt jammer pro supposed to recognize my chord changes sort of like my arranger keyboard does? I noticed that the only thing i can do is load up a demo song and hit play and it plays back in full fidelity thru my i30 but thats it. I dont see anywhere the option to use chords in realtime etc. Just like Jammer live does. I noticedd that jammer live does recognize the notes really quickly and I would say thats its just as good as my korg i30 chord recognition..
Another question. Say for example I make a song in Jammer pro, then you know how JP separates each drum track for you and you can change volumes,effects etc, Is there a way to load up this song into lets say, Cakewalk 9 home studio, or even Cubase VST32? I have both of these programs for so long but I have never used them since Ive never really had the need. But I wondered if it would be possible. Why? because I wondered if I can have each midi instrument in its own track including the drums, then If I say, want the snare to have a special insert effect it, it would be so awsome. Is this possible guys?
Im so excited about this info. I think this is going to be so cool for me, since I do mostly home composittions and never ever do any gigs.. Guys I really thank you for all the help and advice. I so happy to be a part of this awsome music family !!
#129206 - 03/28/03 11:42 PM
Re: Need Advice regarding PC arranger software....
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
UInfortunately, no, Pro does not recognize chords in real time, but they can be step entered via midi keyboard. Jammer Live does play in realtime, but I don;t think you can create user styles on it with the ucurrent version.
You can save a midifile in Jammer Pro and then open it in CW ? Cubase, etc. When you do save a song made on jammer as a Midifile ( I recommend Type 1 ), remember to make sure that all tracks are selected, as Jaqmmer will only save selected trracks. I also recommmend saving the same song as a "Jammer song", because if you save only a s a midfile and you wish to modify the song inside of Jammer pro later on, you will niot have any of the style parameters available to edit.
#129209 - 03/29/03 08:41 PM
Re: Need Advice regarding PC arranger software....
Registered: 09/10/02
Posts: 126
Loc: California, USA
Awsome !!!! JM thanks so much for the link.; Im going to download it. I really do dream to have that power on the PC. I think its so possible. I read the reviews about Jammer pro and wow they are totally awsome, But when it came to chord recognition, It just wasnt there.. I want not only to be able to tweak the styles, change the arrangements, choose different instruments, improvise, I would love to also have the ability to play the chords in realtime and have it recorded in realtime just like the I30 does in its Backing sequence mode. Then once I laid the Backing sequence, I love to play it back and overdubb in separate tracks my Melodies or what ever I wish... Then If I still want to do more, be able to send it as a SMF to my sequencer and do more editing. I think itts all posible specially with the power of todays pcs. But look here I am saying this and I havent even tried OMB.. Im going to try it out and I will report. Thanks so much for everything guys. You guys are truly awsome!!!