#129702 - 01/12/04 09:12 PM
Re: Demo's of the PAX
Senior Member
Registered: 10/27/03
Posts: 2417
Loc: CA
Originally posted by Wazza: Do you how much waverom the PA1X has? I couldn't find this anywhere...
Greetz & Thanx again , Marcel
There are no specs on the Pa1X PRO Wav ROM that I could find anywhere and Korg does not list them on their site either. Here is my observation concerning the Pa1X/PRO Wav ROM. The Triton Studio which is Korg's top of the line non-Arranger Keyboard has 48Mb PCM = (Pulse Code Modulation) ROM which is Korg's 'Hi-Synthesis' Sound Engine. The PCM ROM on the Triton Studio and the Pa1X/PRO is similar to Yamaha's WAV ROM format though they use different methods to acheive their results. Since the Triton Studio is Korg's Flagship non-Arranger Keyboard I would doubt very much if the Pa1X/PRO has more PCM ROM than the Triton Studio. With the Pa1X/PRO you can add additional ROM (up to 32Mb more) which is good. Now here are my impressions of the recordings made by 'Wings': I didn't like the Sax all that much. I didn't like the Distortion Guitar much at all. The Acoustic Grand Piano is better than the PA80 but still leaves something to be desired. The Violin is 'okay' - better than some other high end Arrangers. I really liked the Strings in the song "Fagre Stryn". They were rich and beautiful in tone IMO. I didn't like the Organ in Whiter Shade of Pale but the other Organ was pretty good. The Drums sounded good although their accuracy, ie., Tom's, Snare, Hi Hat, etc. were not acutely accurate IMO. They had a live sound but again the detail, ie., 'accuracy' was not up to how a real Drum Set sounds. I think the Tyros has more accurate Drum sounds than the Pa1X/PRO. My opinion of course.  I am not sure how 'Wings' recorded his demos (what equipment he used to record them) but I thought overall the sounds were missing something. It was almost as though I was hearing not 128 bit 44.1kHz Samples but maybe 64 bit 22.50kHz Samples. Sorry, but the demos lacked something to me. The quality was not what I had envisioned and expected them to be from Korg's Flagship Arranger. But that is no fault of 'Wings' because his chops are pretty good.  The fault lies with Korg's Sound Engine IMO. When a Manufacturer makes a new Flagship Arranger/Keyboard they usually are very upfront as to what the Wav ROM is. The Tyros has 96 Mb's and Yamaha plasters that fact all over their web site. But Korg does not even mention it once anywhere on their entire site as to how much PCM ROM the Pa1X/PRO has. Sounds a little suspicious if you ask me. Have they got something to hide? Maybe it only has 32 Mb's of PCM ROM?? Maybe only 24 Mb's??? Sure, you can add up to 32 mb's more but how much do I have to start with?  That is the question. It is apparently top secret information and Korg has made no attempt to 'declassify' that info. Much to the chagrin of the Music World. Best regards, Mike
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.
#129703 - 01/12/04 11:20 PM
Re: Demo's of the PAX
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
I think you did a great job on these songs Wings. Nice to hear some ( very good ) real time playing as opposed to just playback of standard midi files or stock demo's.
I think that some of the stock sounds surpass what I have in the PA80, while others sound pretty close. I think the drums are very good and I don't find them to be "off" at all. Rather, they give a live feel. I spend a good deal of time programming drums in my own tunes, and the PA1x gives a nice rendition and doesn't feel mechanical like some of the other arrangers I've played. I'd actually USE some of the drums coming from these styles on my own compositions, albeit with a bit of editing in some places. I can't say that about many other arrangers, including sometimes my PA80. Too much editing is required to get a good real performance feel for my tastes.
The piano sounds like a Korg piano to me. Either you like it or don't.. ( It's ok for me ). The guitars sound good and the basses sound more realistic to me than most of the other arrangers I've heard. I've always liked Korg strings. I think the organs have potential, but some editing may be in order. I have them sounding a little more to my liking on the PA80 ( after a lot of editing, as I'm a little fussy about organ sounds in general ). I still wouldn't use them as my first choice in a studio production ( but only because I have other organ sounds I like better at my disposal ), but they make me happy enough for live work.
Synth sounds are vintage Korg, which for me is about as good as it gets without using the "real" thing ( real thing for me being an analog synth ). For all the great sounds on my Motif ES, I still think that my PA80 beats it on synth sounds ( that is until I factor in the Motif's add on an150 analog modeling board )
I don't think Korg always does the best job in certain instrument groups on some of their presets. It's always been this way ( for me ) since my days with the M1. On that note, I might make one suggestion if it's ok. I found that I could get a lot more out of my PA80 by editing some of the stock sounds. . In some cases, I didn't do a lot of "synth" parameter editing. Simply combining two ( or more ) similar ( but different ) sounds to form a combination ( performance ) , and / or adjusting effects. Sometimes simple editing of performances .. maybe changing the cutoff freq a little, tweaking the resonance just a tad... etc One thing I'm sure of is that the PA1x will have plenty of editable parameters to tweak. I know that beautiful sounds come out of that PA1x and the potential is likely there to get better ones as well.
Yep, I like it. I'm still not tempted at this point to upgrade from the PA80. I think it's likely a nice improvement over the PA80, but I'm not sure ( for me ) whether it's 3000 USD worth of improvement ( minus what I could get for my used PA80 ).
If I was going in cold and getting a new arranger though, the PA1x would certainly get my attention and would likely be a tough choice for me vs the Tyros. I suspect the PA1x would probably be my choice in the end.. but I'd have to play it.
Good work Wings,
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 01-12-2004).]
#129705 - 01/13/04 04:24 AM
Re: Demo's of the PAX
Junior Member
Registered: 08/19/02
Posts: 28
Loc: WestCoast of Norway
Thanks for kind words all!!
A few additional info's; No quantizer or other effects added...only played straight, except the techno-track, where only standard is the drums. The rest I've made realtime...(utilizing sequencer, of course.)
As to the negative remarks concerning the voices, drum-accuracy and recordig-quality I'll have to agree to a certain point. Drum accuracy is in some arrangers too good, meaning you can actually hear that it is a machine playing. In the PAX however, you get the feeling that there's something human to the madness. As far as voices go, I don't even want to debate such a topic, 'cause that varies soooo much according to whomever you talk to. Personally I fell in love with the sounds/voices in my PA-80, and the PAX has taken the same voices to the next level, according to my head.
The recording was made using a stationary CD-recorder from Thomson, and for some reason the quality is 132kbps at 22kHz (lowest) in some and 257kbps at 22 kHz in some (highest). After converting to mp3 the quality is 128kbps at 44kHz... (which I choose.) Now I'll have to admit that this is not my strongest area, recording/converting, but can somebody please tell me why this is?
I've tried Easy CD-creator (stinks), CoolEdit 2.0 (that won't read my CD's) and Nero (who'll give a max of 96kbps).
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