#130056 - 02/15/05 08:25 PM
Re: Hi Starkeeper, Are You Still Wanting to Use Fonts?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Starkeeper, the DGX served it's purpose. We were living between 2 residences for a few months. So I had the DGX in one house & the Clavinova setup at home. I thought I could use it as a controller, and take it away on holidays etc, but discovered by the time I loaded up the car with pets , luggage etc there was no room left for hubby, unfortunately I need him to do the driving ( haa haa) I'll probably just get a little 37 or 49 note controller, I've got a good set of headphones and I'm waiting for my new audigy sound card to arrive for my laptop. So I'll be truly portable. And yes, i am quite impressed with the new fonts. best wishes Rikki Originally posted by Starkeeper: Originally posted by rikkisbears: [b] Actually these new font's have renewed my interest too, my dgx is going and I'm going to get myself a small controller keyboard. You just bought the dgx, 305 I think. YOu are really impressed with those fonts. Hmmm.  Starkeeper
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#130062 - 02/16/05 02:12 PM
Re: Hi Starkeeper, Are You Still Wanting to Use Fonts?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Frank, at the moment I still mainly play piano based styles ( pianist at heart, but without the neccesary skills & talent).
Have I got this right? I bought a laptop with 512mb memory , the GM500 wavetable would actually use up 500mb of that memory, leaving me with 12mb . Apart from 500mb taking a long time to load, I wouldn't have enough memory left to run OMB & forte ( and even windows?? Does windows use part of my 512mb memory also). So, if I tried to improve only some of the voices in the xg font, I'd have to keep it reasonably small or I'd run out of memory?? The larger the font, does it actually slow down the performance of the computer ie when I'm using OMB would it cause gliches etc, or is just that a large font needs longer to load? Sorry for all the questions Frank, but I don't know a great deal about the actual workings of a computer.
I can now see why audio streaming may be a good option if I want to get really good quality.
You're right, GM probably is the way to go , I was getting lazy. If I'm going to the trouble of converting velocities, converting instruments isn't that much extra work. I've also got the Another GS Font as well/.
best wishes Rikki
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal: [B].
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#130063 - 02/16/05 02:40 PM
Re: Hi Starkeeper, Are You Still Wanting to Use Fonts?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Starkeeper, I actually use my laptops keyboard for fills , start stop etc I normally play in full piano mode, so I can't assign these functions to my piano keys.
When travelling , I don't really need the controller for realtime playing, just to use it for style editing, practicing melodies ( with Busker) etc . I'd need at least 76 notes to use one properly, and I'd run into the same problem that I had with the dgx, not enough room in the car.
best wishes Rikki
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Starkeeper: [B]Rikki,
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#130065 - 02/17/05 12:30 AM
Re: Hi Starkeeper, Are You Still Wanting to Use Fonts?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Frank, Hi Frank, re your comment below in regards to streaming, you are reffering to an external hard drive??
Actually I really don't use that many instruments within a style, mainly piano, bass, drums, guitar & strings, sometimes brass & woodwinds. I set up the styles to try & avoid program changes within the various style parts. So I'd really only have to upgrade a few instruments.
Looks like I'll have to stick to low grade effects, "eek" 2 gigs on my laptop, unfortunately still a bit too pricey, but fortunately prices appear to keep dropping. Some day, who knows.
best wishes Rikki
p.s. how's your wife, last time we spoke she wasn't too well.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal: [B]the best approach is to have all of the 500mb wavetable loaded If program changes were not required you could then setup suitable synths to stream from the hard drive with very little of each instrument loaded to memory.
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022