#130437 - 12/10/99 09:37 PM
Re: Playing Midifiles on GEM WK8 & Solton X1
Senior Member
Registered: 11/17/99
Posts: 1150
Loc: netherlands
Paul, Price difference is a lot in Holland (what I found till now though) If I was in usa I would go to George as well. I am in Holland so I buy the keyboard at my local dealer (who I know + 20 years) and I even don't mind he is a bit more expensive, as online stores, because he gives an excellent service.
Solton: X1+ HD dfl 6995,-- Harmonizer (us 175,--) so +/- " 395,-- (I did'nt ask Harmonizer so +/-) dfl 7390,--
GEM WK 8-HD dfl 5295,--
In usdlr 970,-- (dfl 2095,--) more for the Solton X-I
But I did not hear the Solton Keyboard yet so I am convinced by all of you I have to hear it, so will go out tomorrow and let you know what I think! Note: I do use external gear for amplifying so the quality of internal amp/speakers are no issue for me. Secondly I want a keyboard which sounds good but totally different as my Roland G 800, not a keyboard with more of the same! Thanks to all of you on this bbs, I think it's great! Fred
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76
#130438 - 12/10/99 10:30 PM
Re: Playing Midifiles on GEM WK8 & Solton X1
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Jerry, My X1 will read dd disks o.k. And it will read both types midi files. It will also transpose while the song is playing. I think I misinformed you about this, or at least agreed with you when you mentioned it. To transpose during playback, you have to turn lyrics (if any) off, then push "exit" to get to the main screen. Activate "transpose" if it is not active. Then you can use the + and - buttons to change keys. You can also elect to change the the key of the keyboard independently so you can play along with the sequence in a key that is comfortable to you. One note, the next sequence will also be transposed unless you change the transposer back. As far as taking a floppy out while the song is playing, I haven't tried that, because I copy the few sequences I use to the hard drive and play them from there because it is so much quicker. Regarding the editing, someone else will have to handle that one. I usually play everything live, and when it starts getting too complicated, I don't do it! email me if I can help. Good luck, Don Don
[This message has been edited by DonM (edited 12-10-1999).]
#130439 - 12/10/99 10:34 PM
Re: Playing Midifiles on GEM WK8 & Solton X1
Senior Member
Registered: 12/09/99
Posts: 1130
Jer and all,
Interesting post but I agree with Fran on the 4 accounts are incorrect as I can do all 4 things.
However I do agree with what you say with regards to the KN2000 smf playback. I tell you why because I posted a similar thing about a month ago on the old forum about the GEM WX2 still the best ive personally heard for midi file playback. This keyboard (which I still own and have no intention of selling) is around 7 years old and plays songs on it effortessly and very faithfull to the original. It is even better than the X1 on this account, but thats all though. I really cant explain why its like this but its true and I even hate to admit it but the GEM WX2 plays songs exceptionally. I dont know why and what causes it to sound so good, but it just does! I myself have over 2000 quality midifiles/GEM specific songs that are a delight to play and sing along with. They just dont sound the same elsewhere.
I have never heard a KN2000 so I cannot judge. I have owned around 12 keyboards in my lifetime, and I think my first experience of song playback was on the PSR5700 in 1992? i cant remember the exact time that was. That keyboard was excellent.
But i think we are slowly going away from my original issue, and thats why various top keyboards have an incompatability problem with standard GM compatable files on GM keyboards. There have been a lot of explanations from a lot of people and they all make sense. But having played the same midifile in around 6 keyboards of recent times, the Solton X1 sounds like it plays the midifile like its supposed to sound, eg, with all the proper sounds in their relevant tracks. I often find on the PSR8000 and some tracks are 'snoozed' and having a need to go into the mixer and up the volume. Thats OK. The I30 suffers like the WK8 but not as bad where it seems to pick up any old instrument, and thats including drums. For exampled the drums are supposed to be in track 10, what the hell is a drum instrument doing in track 1 on the WK8 and the grandpiano in track 10 I dont know for the life of me!
Anyway, interesting subject and I am seeing a lot of views on this. Great stuff.
Danny (UK)
#130440 - 12/10/99 10:51 PM
Re: Playing Midifiles on GEM WK8 & Solton X1
Senior Member
Registered: 11/17/99
Posts: 1150
Loc: netherlands
Danny, About the main issue! I had simular problems way back with certain midifiles playing back on my G-800 allthough these were GS files so should'nt give these problems. Since then I allways edit all new files In Cakewalk as follows; by loading the CW patch for the G-800, then load the new midifile and save as GS file, including the sysex messages..(and that includes GM files!) No problem since then anymore! Did you try this??? (I don't know or there is a patch for WK 8 for cakewalk, but I guess there is!) Fred
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76
#130443 - 12/11/99 09:22 PM
Re: Playing Midifiles on GEM WK8 & Solton X1
Senior Member
Registered: 11/17/99
Posts: 1150
Loc: netherlands
Yes, you are wright Fran, it is ofcourse a GM file, but with all info of GS or XG intact. thanks for reminding me, Fred
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76