I just crawled out of bed trying to recover from an exciting evening of New Years Eve party gig festivities. It seems that most of the poeple I talked last night are glad 2002 is over. The champagne poured, the balloons dropped, and the confetti flew, as I sang & played a nostalgic rendition of Auld Lang Syne that openly brought tears to a lot of people's eyes as they hopefully (yet jitterly) look forward to 2003. I followed that with the classic Kool & the Gang tune, 'Celebration' which really filled the floor with moving and grooving couples. I couldn't help (laughing to myself) wondering if many of the dancers were on "Celebrex" (anti inflametory arthritis medication) to enable them to move as wildly as they did, especially because (ironically) the song 'Celebration' is used in all those overly hyped 'Celebrex' TV commercials.
The holiday gig season is now OFFICIALLY over, so it's time to finally kick back & RELAX. Happy 2003 to EVERYONE !