As in many industries, we the consumers of musical instruments and software have a symbiotic relationship with the manufacturers of keyboards/software/sound systems, etc. They want us to buy their product and we want them to create products that we want to buy. They work on determining what features we might want and we want them to provide us with a wealth of information about their products (features, specs, reviews, pictures, videos, demos, ...) so we can determine what will work best for our particular needs. They want to talk to us, we want to ask questions and be listened to.
I am in full support of manufacturers participating in a BBS forum like Synthzone by responding to posts about their product as a valuable resource of accurate information about their product and by starting their own posts to provide new information on their product. All the related discussion that ensues is of great value. The Synthzone BBS forum is, and should continue to be, a conduit between the manufacturers and the consumers.
All that being said, I am getting a little frustrated lately with how some people on Synthzone that have some kind of professional affiliation with a manufacturer feel free to interject an infomercial about their product, whenever they see the opportunity, in the middle of a post about another topic or discussion about another manufacturer's product. It's the "look at me too, look what I can do" insert that I am finding to be a distraction. We all know you exist, we are just not talking about you at this moment. These kinds of entries often causes the post to go off in another direction. Synthzone, like other BBS forums, can have an ADD (attention deficient disorder) quality to it as posts can go off on many tangents. Many times valuable conversations result in the freeform flow of ideas. Other times, the conversations degrade into playgroundesque brawls.
IMHO, I would like to request that manufacturers stop using the middle of someone else’s post on Synthzone as a marketing opportunity. I would like to extend this to people who may not have a professional affiliation but have a very strong allegiance to a particular manufacturer’s product. However, I might be asking too much for people to attenuate their personal enthusiasm. Although, it sure would help. I do not think my request is an unreasonable request for those who have a professional affiliation. I have purposely not mentioned any particular manufacturer by name as my request is equally to them all.
I wanted to give my opinion on this issue and invite others to comments.
[This message has been edited by RobertG (edited 04-10-2007).]