Hmmm...this is new to me?? I've seen the "Convert" button but I didn't know what it was for.
By sequencer I hope you don't mean the actual sequencer in the SD1. I haven't gotten that far yet. I am copying the midi files from floppy into the master folder and simply loading them up.
Then I let it play and change the few things on the fly like instrument assignment, volume, reverb etc. Save it back like that which I understand is the master track, and hope that does it.
I understood that the master track is easy because it overrides all other commands. In most cases I change things like volume and reverb in my old keyboard and re-copy it in the Solton if that will solve my problem. Much easier and surer that way (apparently). However, many instruments cannot be called up from my old board by program changes and therefore I need to change the instrument in the solton. If I knew how to change it by a control change in the Korg, I suppose I wouldn't need the master track at all, but I don't.
So is the way I'm doing this not advised? I still can't understand why the volumes would change for no reason.