#131578 - 10/29/05 02:00 PM
Tyros2 MusicFinder: Very Disappointing Discovery !
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
As you all know, I utilize the Tyros "MusicFinder" as a convenient central database to store & quickly call up all songs (+800) in my song performance repetoire. I of course will utilize custom regs for some specially arranged songs, but the simplicity and faster song search/loading time MusicFinder affords makes it far better for 'on the fly' performance. Regretably, on Tyros1, MusicFinder was limited to only accessing (linking) to preset & custom styles located in Tyros PRESET & USER memory. Because USER memory space is so severely limited (3.2 MB), the need to link to custom styles stored on USB Memory Stick and/or Tyros HD was a feature many of us were hoping for with Tyros2. I was even assured that this was indeed added with Tyros2, but after having had 2 different Tyros2 owners perform this test on their Tyros2, it appears that this was not added with Tyros2 afterall.  This comes as a BIG disaspointment, especially considering the fact that I was informed otherwise. I only hope Yamaha will look into this immediately. Thank you. - Scott
#131583 - 10/30/05 06:14 AM
Re: Tyros2 MusicFinder: Very Disappointing Discovery !
Registered: 06/24/99
Posts: 1232
Scott, I have not tested yet.... to be honest I almost NEVER use the musicfinder. For me the best way is using te registrations - feature. For example : I created about 40 reg-blocks (block 1 to 39) with 8 presets each (1-8). In our songbook every song has a few figures written to it that represent : Block# + preset# Lots of parameters can be stored into the regs : song, style, voice, tempo, transpose, harmony, sounds, HDR, pedal, output, intro, variation, scaling, mic-settings and text.... just tick what you want  Perhaps you should change method of working ? Believe me it's the easiest/fastest way to change songs  (three seconds to swap)
#131584 - 10/30/05 06:26 AM
Re: Tyros2 MusicFinder: Very Disappointing Discovery !
Senior Member
Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
Scott, as you already know, I have to agree with Roel: the Registrations offer a much more complete way of storing one's data. I like to tweak a lot of parameters (especially the effects and the Eq sends) and the Music Finder simply won't allow me to store these. On the other hand, the Tyros (1 & 2) is such a powerful and also easy to edit keyboard that it would be a pity to play it just the way it is, without personalizing things a bit. Come on... time to be flexible and adapt yourself to reality! 
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.
#131586 - 10/30/05 08:52 AM
Re: Tyros2 MusicFinder: Very Disappointing Discovery !
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Roel & Dreamer (Andrea): I of course fully agree that creating & utilizing registrations is a much more powerful approach. In fact, if you guys 're-read' my initial post, I too utilize custom registration bank files for my 'specially arranged' (50-60+) songs. But I also have 100's of other songs I know & perform as well, and need a way to organize and call them up QUICKLY for 'on the fly' performance. What the MusicFinder provides is a central (database) to quickly store, and call up 'any' song in your repertoire (in my case 800+) in under 8 seconds. In addition, MusicFinder includes a power search function which allows you to sort & call up songs by tempo, style, genre, or any other custom search criteria you create. This is an essential tool for LIVE performers. For example, if I get a request for a Sinatra tune, I can quickly call up on the fly, in MusicFinder, all songs that fit this specific criteria, and then be able to freely pick & choose from the MusicFinder search result list, the song(s) most fitting, or even create an 'on the fly' medley performance. The 'on the fly' performance flexibility is limitless. I really appreciate how Yamaha includes a wonderful database of 100's of popular songs, but that ONLY serves as a starting off point for creating your own 'custom' MusicFinder database which includes only 'all of the songs' you may perform. IMPORTANT: The first thing I do is backup the MFD (musicfinder database) file that Yamaha includes. Now I'm able to freely edit/delete existing MFD entries, deleting songs I would never play, and adding new songs unique to my repertoire. My MusicFinder database remains continuously fluid as it only takes a few minutes (sometimes seconds) to conveniently add new songs. I may get an audience request, or something may pop into my head during a break, and I'm able to quickly add this song to my MusicFinder database. The huge advantage of the MusicFinder is that it provides a SINGLE convenient place to store, sort, search, and quickly call up any/all repetoire songs. The one limitation with the MusicFinder feature (as it is now) is that it only allows you to call up PRESET Styles, and a very limited number of custom USER MEMORY styles (less than 3 MB worth). As I generally tweak PRESET styles (including OTS settings) to my personal liking, these would have to be re-saved as a custom USER MEMORY style to be utilized thru MusicFinder, thus, extending MusicFinder's ability to call up Custom Styles from remote media (HD & USB Flash) would greatly expand the power of the MusicFinder to access any number of custom STYLES, of which to fulfill any/all your performance songs. I've long pressed for Yamaha to include this, and was recently assured (perhaps mistakenly?) that it had been added on Tyros2, as the Yamaha contacts I spoke with appeared to fully understand the huge benefit of this kind of feature enhancement. I will of course follow up, and have faith that this will be added in a near future Tyros2 OS update. My intention was not to knock Tyros2 before it is hardly out of the gate. I've lived with MusicFinder the way it is with Tyros1, and can certainly work around it (for now) with Tyros2 as well. Like I said before, I'm not beholden to a particular brand/model kb, and will continuously to freely point out BOTH what "I LIKE" and "don't like" about whatever keyboard I play/own to further promote the continuing advancement & improvement of arranger keyboards. On that note, I anxiously await the arrival of MY Tyros2 so I can join you guys in the thrill of Tyros2 ownership. - Scott  [This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 10-30-2005).]
#131587 - 10/30/05 09:39 AM
Re: Tyros2 MusicFinder: Very Disappointing Discovery !
Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 736
Loc: Half Moon Bay, CA, USA
Hi Scott
In addition to all the other excellent points already made here, I thought I would mention that I do not believe it is physically possible for the MFD (in it's current form) to call up records in removable storage. According to Michael Bedesem, who understand a lot about how these things work, the MFD relies on an internal numbering system. This numbering system gets altered every time any style file changes anywhere on the hard drive or USB memory. After any change, the MFD will be linked incorrectly because the internal numbering system will be off. Unless Yamaha completely re-writes the software for the MFD, it won't work with external (changeable) media.
Michael B does read these posts, so I am sure he will correct me if I am wrong. I sure hope Yamaha will fix this. They have had ample time, and customer demand, to to do this.
Tom G.
[This message has been edited by TomTomSF (edited 10-30-2005).]
Tyros 4