Originally posted by bruno123:
Scott, Part of you is wanting to please
Ok John (bruno123): which Scott (Scottyee, ScottL, or both) were you specifically referring to here?

Hey Mr. Langholff:

Haven't visited your site in a while, so it was a treat to hear your music again. All good, but my stand-out FAV is your "Off The Cuff Jam". Dude, terrific organ solo playing!

John (Jwyvern): As you already know, I really admire your mastery of being able to take Tyros2 already impressive voices to yet an even higher level creating and/or customizing TVN voices, and in this case, your modified Irish Act female voice on this tune. Lush arrangement & VERY nice playing too.
Hi Manuel: Great to see you posted a link to some of your many wonderful tunes, all beautifully played & presented. I'm really looking forward to taking you up on your invitation to come down to Phonenix to meet you and Tapas and hang out together.