It's a fine line really and we can't miss Tony's or my earlier point about once the door is opened where does it stop and who is to decide where the line is? It really has to be a majority decision.
I remember at a very young age using the F word in my house and remember it was the only time I ever got slapped by my Dad , who never had to again because I got the message. From then on all it took was a look from him.
All subsequent generations do different things from the previous one and enjoy different things and think differently. That is part of growing up and finding their own identity apart from their parents. For me it was shoulder length hair. For my older brother it was ducktails and a pompedore.
While I am not a prude in any sense of the word, I do think there is a time, place and channel for it. There was a new TV series that started not too long back and so the first 2 episodes we gave a try "CSI" every other word it seemed to me was some sort of profanity (exaggeration of course)but I thought, geeze do they have to say it all so often, seems like just poor writing to me. I don't know that shows have to all be Mary Poppins to me, but when we watch the old black and whites (our favs)they never swore in any of them and got the point across by great acting and writing.
It's a different generation now though that needs violence and vulgarity to entertain themselves I guess. It does permeate all that entertains them, vid games, TV, real world environment.
We have atheletic, movie or rock stars that show some of the poorest examples and a press core that supports and furthers that. We have 29 minutes of bad news on top of bad news, to be ended with a 1 minute segment of good news. It's no wonder we get a skewed view of life. Unfortunately though it's what sells papers and TV shows. Good news is boring to most. A little fender bender and traffic is going nowhere while all drive by at a snail's pace to see the blood and guts and are disappointed if they don't.
I suppose the hope is that if we all give our kids the right messages they will turn out to be good adults. If not, then it's their world to live in and deal with and we'll be gone.
I sure don't want the Jerry Falwells of the world deciding for me though what's good or bad.
We do need more parents that sit and watch a program first or at the same time before they let their kids watch it. They may be exposed to it all at a freind's house, but don't need to be exposed to it in my house. Instead we have absentee parenting. People have a baby and 3 months later they are back to work and leave their babies to be raised by strangers, day care nannies etc. so what do we expect as a result?
jam on,
Terry [This message has been edited by trtjazz (edited 01-17-2004).]
[This message has been edited by trtjazz (edited 01-17-2004).]