Donny, thanks very much... I'm glad you enjoyed this! Still lovin' the 3K...
Zuki, many thanks for the listen and feedback... much appreciated. It's really good to have so many useful sounds on one compact keyboard.
Mike, thank you for your kind words.
Here's that excerpt from Quando Quando Quando. It was really just a quick live test to see if the harmonizer on the 3000 was functioning correctly (and before I'd found the EQ tab). I still plan to do a full Quando soon.
Gary, thank you kind sir!
Cheers Glenn. For this one (after making the backing) I ran the phono-outs of the PSR to the phono inputs of a DAT machine, then ran the digital out of the DAT to my Roland HD recorder's digital in to make the recording.
I then plugged my dynamic mic into the DAT machine's XLR input and utilised the digital out again, to go to the Roland's digital in.
I ran through the song to get acceptable levels on the input, then had my dinner (not a heavy one) I came back and recorded the vocal... probably not an ideal recording method. I didn't use a boom stand this time, just held the mic.
Once the vocal track was down I took the headphones off and monitored the results through my hi-fi. Made a couple of tweaks on the reverb, EQ and adjusted the volume of the vocal and keyboard tracks accordingly.
Next I ran a lead from the digital out of the Roland to the digital in on the Sound Blaster Live Drive to record the master in Nero wave editor. Saved the resulting wav file, trimmed it, applied DC offset correction, normalised... then re-saved. The wav was then ready to encode to MP3 format for posting...
I think that's about all, but please let me know if you have any questions.
Mike, thank you for listening and kind words. As to the money side of things, I'm seriously considering gigging again with this keyboard.
Vern, much appreciated! Hopefully this'll be the start of a steady stream of PSR-3000 with vocal numbers

Thanks again guys,
[This message has been edited by RichUK (edited 08-25-2004).]