Hi Nielshs,
I didn't mean to put the G70 down in any way.
I was more referring to the X-1 and Sd-1 (I think
Even though I bought a T2 I think that all the top models right now like G70, PAX-1, T2 are great and you can't go wrong with either of these.
They all make fine music and I doubt that people will come up to you and say: " this sounds like crap and you don't sound like a life band at all".
Maybe one or two jealous people
What I was trying to say is that there are a lot of different sounding life bands out there and we have some different sounding boards right now with outstanding voices.
If "WE" bring a little heart and soul to it, we will sound more like a life band and make some terrific music
Even with my 9000Pro people came up to me and were astonished by it's sounds.
Let's all have fun with what we got right now and share some terrific music like Roel was trying to do.
At least I enjoy all of you guys and your music out there.