Roel and Scott,
thanks for posting some demos so fast.

Roel I liked your playing a lot.

Hi Nielshs and otheres that look for that "life sound"
actually some of the stuff did sound very much life to me.
I had this conversation with another forum member recently.
There are all kinds of different bands and musicians out there. Some are in a cheap bar with a crude sound ( actually a lot

If you look for that kind of sound, the T2 won't have it.
Then there are some bands/ musicians where you have to pay a little money to see them and hear them. There sound is much better and more pollished, because there sound system is better and they can "PLAY" better.
( Closer to the T2 sound.)
Then there are some that are world class.
Sometimes when you go and see them there isn't much difference between them and a CD recording. Why? Because they are top noch proffessionals and they have the best equipment. But they are a life Band/musician and are playing life.
Again sounds like T2 from what you guys are saying.
I've heard some of the best musicians and orchestras in the world life, and again some sound very similar to a CD.
Does that make their perfomance boring or less life like?
Not in the least. They are the best because they have what it takes: heart and soul.

The quetion here is now what do you want to sound like?: a cheap band with a crude sound in a dark smoked filled bar; or imagine yourself playing life on a world stage with some of the best musicians backing you up.
Well you know my opinion.
