Hi all, I thought i would post an opinion on this.
I don't know what it is, but have we become more fussy? Or do we expect our machines to do so much more, sound so much better!?
After hearing the demo's of the T2, i thought it sounded amazing, i would be more than happy to own it! However, i'm in love with my PA1X, and would never change it - not because of anything other than im really happy with it, it does every i want it to do and sounds exactly the way i want it to.
Even after hearing the G70, i thought this keyboard sounded fantastic as well. I would be absolutely more than happy to own any of the 3 main keyboards of today, and to be honest, for the sheer quality of sounds and the cleverly arranged styles in "all" those 3 boards, i would be perfectly happy - they really all do sound amazingly life like imo.
It really would then come to personal choice, due to the particulars such as it's interface, OP system, key feel etc... that i can understand to prefer one over the other. But to judge them against how they sound, im not so sure, its hard to choose between them when all 3 sound amazing to me.
I think gone are the days when a keyboard has so many flaws, or that you could find many with them, they are really that good nowadays.
The last Yamaha i owned was a PSR8000, and since then i stayed away from them, only because i wanted to expand from Yamaha and try different machines - and i have had most of the best keyboards.
From a personal point of view, the issues i had with Yamaha that made me change i think have now been addressed, and i would gladly go back to Yamaha with the Tyros2 if i was in the position of changing. My complaint was that their styles were too samey (especially across the whole PSR series) and that, for example, were a little too basic for my liking.
To me, a perfect style would be a style that's so cleverly arranged that when you play something along with it, be it your own song or a well known song, that it's not so obvious you are playing a keyboard, especially if the bar count of a style increases over 7 or 8 like a lot of Korg & Ketron's do, making sound very realistic and with great variations within one variation itself - Yamaha i felt lacked this and a loop of a style was over too quickly back to the beginning, making a song sound very flat and too boring/samey. This i felt was the biggest flaw in Yamaha, but i think from the Tyros onwards it has been addressed, perhaps not perfectly, but still enough for me to warrant a purchase. This is why i love the styles of the PA series so much, the variation of arrangement in each style is just so clever and very different - even within just 1 style itself. Take for example, Half Time Ballad, gosh, the change over from slow to fast from variation 2 to 3 is amazing, i love playing "Coming Around Again" by Carly Simon using this style, and i blow people away with it - the song comes alive, it's like you have selected another style altogether with so little effort!. I am hoping that the Tyros2 has these types of styles as well.
The other thing that turned me away from Yamaha was it's drum kits - especially Latin and Dance, they were awful and sounded "kiddie-fied" in the PSR8000, the same kits that was used in the lesser PSR models... This was unnaceptable really. Yamaha should learn to distinguish which are pro machines and which are not - and seperate the 2 in different categories, and i think they are doing that now finally.
But anyway, good luck to all of those who have bougth a T2, i think it's an amazing piece of kit!
