I have no idea how they did it, but it looks like my SD1 has a totally new 'engine' and electronics in it.
The sound-quality is SOOO much better :
Bright, clear, no noise, huge/wide stereo image....... I'm must be the happiest man on earth now ?!
I have not seen/tested the new menu-options yet because of the overwhelming sound and styles.
Let me compare two brands (just for fun)
Ketron did the same thing in one year Technics did in 10 years (from KN1000 to KN7000) with 2 important differences :
1. Ketron used the same machine while T. used 5 (beta ?) types !
2. Ketron did it for free as a service for the customers while T. was asking thousands of US dollars for it.
We got a new machine !
Have to leave now.... I'm busy ! (playing/exploring my SD4000)