To the genesys:
"Do we really know that arrangers in Europe are primarily used by amateurs?
From reading this and other forums and by manufacturer’s behavior, it would appear that arrangers in Europe are used substantially by professional musicians (musicians that play in public whether full time or part time). "
Yes we do.

I was brought up in Germany and sold technics keyboards for a while.
So I know who came into the store and bought what.

If you read my earlier post you would see why this is: "A lot of americans look for fast and instant gratification. That's why we have Mc Donalds and SO many other fast food places.
Europeans (used to) know that a good meal takes time to prepare and cook and it's worth the wait.
So is learning an Instrument."
What I was trying to say is that Europeans demand much more and higher quality.
Even for the home user.
We can discuss all we want, but as I say unless you have lived over in Europe you'll never understand the mentallity which is so different than here.

But you're right too (which I did mention).
There are a lot of Pro's as well using high end arrangers.