Hi Squeak & all,
Sorry for the delayed response. As Larry pointed out, I've been away for the Thanksgiving holidays speaking at a symposium in Tibet where I promoted the benefits of an expanded diet of rootless vegetables

& chords too.

I've returned home to find a back log of work which includes spending my free time preparing new material for my upcoming fully booked holiday show schedule. This includes integrating the use of a new 'Midi Solutions' Footswitch Box:
http://midisolutions.com/prodfsw.htm that I recently purchased from Beakybird (btw: the checks in the mail Larry

), which allows me to now utilize all pedals on my 4 pedal foot pedal unit (Technote FC2):
instead of just 3 pedals (maxiumum supported by the Tyros alone).
I had originally hoped to be able to program the new footswitch controller box to trigger Tyros arranger 'system exclusive' functions (break, endings, glide, etc) but for some reason, even though I think I successfully programmed the associated sysex messages outlined in the Tyros Data List Manual into the controller box, I couldn't get it to work. On the other hand, I was able to successfully program the footswitch controller to trigger the sustain pedal function (CC#64), which leaves the other three pedals free for direct Tyros keyboard assignment: . Fill Self; Vocal Harmony on/off; and the remaining pedal for other assignments: Glide (for steel guitar emulation) or Break Fill, etc. I really value the ability to trigger arranger & mod/pitch wheel functions to a footswitch as the type of arranger playing I do doesn't allow me much opportunity to take either of my hands off the keys to perform other functions, especially since I still have never figured out the trick to operating the pitchbend/mod with the left hand while concurrently having to play left hand chord changes at the same time, especially when bended notes typically occur right on the chord changes. Don Mason, perhaps you can record a video demo showing just how you're able to do this when performing in autoaccompaniment mode.

Ok, back to Squeaks original questions:
Originally posted by squeak_D:
How long have you been playing?
What degrees do you have and from where?
What is your instrument of choice?
How long have you been singing?
OMG: Sounds like questions on a job interview!
Squeak: What are you hiring me for, and how much are ya offering?

Seriously though, a lot (most?) pro entertainers today actually choose not to advertise that they've had much (if any) formal music training, but instead prefer to give the impression that they were simply born musically gifted. In reality though, most all real PRO musicians have had a lot MORE musical training (and/or coaching) than they let on. Though formal music training (both music theory, and musicianship) are certainly an important musical foundation, REAL music education begins when you gig, and learn (on the job) from seasoned professional musicians. You pick up things 'on the job' that you will never learn in a classroom. A music degree may make you a music scholar, but this alone doesn't prepare you to become a performing musician.
That said, I've been playing the keyboard & singing since I was 4, and in addition to piano & voice, I also studied (abeit briefly): the guitar, clarinet & violin. For more details

http://scottyee.com and go to biography page.
Though I took a lot of music classes in college (1988-92), I never received a specific degree in music, but a Bachelor of Fine Arts instead. Most of the important music education I got was from the elder musician statesmen & coaches I had the priviledge of studying, working and gigging with over the years, and I hope to pass what I learned from them, down to future generations as well. This remains the great tradition of musicians throughout the ages.
Ok gang, I'm glad to be back here at SZ. Unfortunately, during the next few weeks till Christmas, like many other gigging musicians here, I won't have as much time as I'd like to check in here and participate, but I'll try to answer any questions as quickly as possibly none the less. Happy holidays to all.
Originally posted by squeak_D:
could I use your name as an example of an experienced and well educated keyboard player.
Sure, good publicity never hurt anybody.