need some more time, my friend! this keyboard is much better than what i thought!
really, last year, when i bought korg pa50 for around 1000 usd, i know it was a good deal (all prices around were 1000 euro - there is a difference). but now, paying a little bit less than 1000 euro (when all prices around are about 1200 euro) for this keyboard is just a sweeeeet thing!!! and the keyboard itself is way better - new generation, more functions, etc etc etc.
when i first open the box, the first thing was "man, it's huge!". i've never had a 76 keys keyboard before, so, it was just big to me. but i love this: when you play, you feel great having so many keys available. also, the key feel is very nice - i love it, it's more... professional than i thought.
the keyboard is very elegant, this is a good word! the screen, being so big and in the central part, gives the impression of accesability and easyness, which actually is true! navigation is a breeze, due to the many buttons and on screen touch buttons.
when i first played it, the sounds seemed to me not very bright, but rather lacking hights. i realised that was just my mind - i was very acustomized to korg's sounds, which indeed are brighter, but these sounds are just... right!

nothing wrong with them; next day (when i was relaxed and rested) i discovered that actually i like very much what i hear. some sounds are very very good, some just good, and very few not that good! for sure, they are very usable and very appropriate for specific musical genre.
the styles made very good impression to me. last time when i played a roland arranger, that was exr7. but e60 is nothing like that! the styles are very classy and definitely very usable. no mater what style i tried, all of them i can use. the fills are tight, very correct on timeing and very musical. the transition from one main to other is very good and the dosage of sounds and musical lines are just right! i love this - i must say this is way better than what pa50 used to do!
i also must mention, i really did not feel the "only" 130 styles are too few. and that simply because every single styles is usable and can be played with success.
almost all day yesterday i was playing with sounds and styles. i am very delighted with them. i must say once more, it is much better than what i was thinking. roland manage to produce a fine instrument. i don t know much about the other arrangers like g1000 or va series, but this one can not pass unnoticed. in it's price class, most likely is the best choice. and i think i know what i am talking.
the speakers are one of the nice surprizes e60 offers. when you first see them you are sure there is no possible bass coming out of that! but this is just wrong! the bass, even without bass enhancer is very good and obvious. with the enhancer on, is almost too bassy! really, i didnt believe such deep and good bass can be reproduced with such small speakers! also, the volume is more than what i thought. naturally, i compared the 15w rated korg's speaker with these, which are 12w rated. but that is no good comparission, because the real sound volume coming out says different. e60's speaker are very lound, for sure louder that what you might think about them!
i wouldn t talk much about my favourite sounds or styles, because that wouldn't be relevant to you. but i can tell you this: saxes, guitars, pianos, drums, synths... all of them have good to very good sounds! and also the styles are very musical, as i was saying before. very good!
i ordered this keyboard blindly. but i made a very good choice. now i can tell i am happy i did it! sometimes taking a risk like that just doesn t justify, but for me - man, i am glad i took this risk!
keep in touch!