Originally posted by Diki:
Maybe a little much to ask for, but how about styles where the Intros, endings and fills actually flow smoothly into each other?
Diki, IMO, this is a complaint that has been overblown and overhyped, mostly by people that don't own or are intimately familiar with the breed. It has not been a problem for me and if you search the Korg forum, you'll find scant mention of this alledged problem. Although it (PA1x pro) does have it's share of flaws, as do all the others, I still prefer it 10 to 1 over the only other arranger keyboard that I feel qualified to comment on, the Tyros2. This has mostly to do with styles and 61 keys. I actually like the Tyros2's OS better and think that it is more intuitive. But in the end, it's how well the keyboard is suited to the type of music that you play.
In a perfect world, we'd all have one of each (including a Mediastation

), but then who would we have to rag on. So what fun would that be?