I went back to Medley Music again..this time I brought my sidekick with me[Donny}..
Giving that I already spent a few hours prior[last week]..I was able to help Donny get started and check out the things he was most interested in....funny thing, while looking over Donny's shoulder[he was hogging the play time], I was able to explore more options and features. Namely edits, make and cover features, one touch features, and most important to me the control of every aspect of the G70 using the sliders as data controllers..
Diki was right, getting into the operating system[even though menu driven] is really easy to use,,After another 2-3 hours, we were to a point..Go out and do a job[without fear]....right out of the box..
The possibilities are endless with this board..
As for the sounds..even though I know many of the sounds from my DisCover5...they are without a doubt...audibly better coming from the G70..I am not sure why..but they are!!!
There is not a weakness on this board..Everything it does..It does..Great..
Before we finally left the store, we were flying around on the G70 like it has been with us for months..
Donny had a look of amazement on his face when he used the vocal harmonizer...Believe me it is that good!!!
The styles as mentioned before are the best I have heard or used...Access to changes with makeup and cover tools is like having 30 or more variations with in a single style.
I also would like to add..This G70 performed flawlessly..no glitches or unwanted sounds...
Gone from realtime arranger play and sequence play is as quick and easy as the G1000....The overall sound quality is no contest..the G70 is far superior to the G1000...[does this give you an idea how much I love this board

I will leave some topics for Donny to comment on late tonight[after his Dance Party]..
If he doesn't get to some of the other"I want it now" features , I will elaborate more....
I want one, I don't think I will wait to check out the E80....