Hello All,
Today I went to my dealers and to my surprise he was just setting up his Tyros display and K/b. He greeted me with the words "Hello.....you are just going to love this."
I have never seen him as animated over anything (with the possible exception of when I get my wallet out of my pocket!

)He kept saying things like "I'll leave you to have a fiddle with it" and "I must get on but you have a play and tell me what you think."
These were the words coming out of his mouth but his hands remained firmly attached to the keys. "Oh...just let me show you this..." and " You have got to hear this" were all I heard for the next half hour.
Actually I heard the Tyros too and I could see just why he had trouble letting me at it! This keyboard is AMAZING! Ok so I finally got my hands on it so here is my semi review.....I have never owned a yamaha before and (until now) have been a technics man...(well more of a boy really

)... so I have no real 'benchmark' to levvy against, but I know what I like. SO for what it is worth here goes....
The first thing is the look of the board. Very very sleek. Very robust looking and probably the best looking board I have ever seen. The buttons for intro's fills break and so on are transparent and light up red or greeny yellow from behind. On all the pictures I have seen I thought this looked cheap BUT in reality it looks really cool and would be a godsend for those playing live in dimly lit surroundings. The buttons themselves are very sturdy and when you use them they 'feel right' if you know what I mean. Not at all spongy. The other buttons for styles /sounds etc are very well set out, well spaced and being the same colour and material as the keyboard body makes them look professional and slick. Long and slim they give the board the appearance of being a 'workspace' (if that makes sense) and yet they are very unobtrusive. The colour screen of the tyros is superb and crystal clear. Selection of styles/ sounds is a breeze and VERY like the technics method. Press the style button on the left of the board and on screen a page of styles appears in glorious colour.
The keys were a delight to play imho. Very responsive, they positively encourage you to trill and flourish

OK the SOUND!!!
I was blown away by how this board sounds. The styles were sooooo realistic. No matter how 'busy' the style every instrument seems to shine. From fret noises to crystal clear drums you can here it all. My words cannot do justice to how it sounds really you have got to hear it. The demo's on the web.....FORGET EM! The sounds coming from the Tyros are just so much better.
Playing a rock style I took my hands from the keys and seamlessly the Tyros style stopped playing and a drum solo began. (I don't know if the other yammies do this but I loved it!) put my hands back on and off we went again. Ok you might think but what got me was how realistic and natural it sounded doing it! I really wish I could describe to you all just how realistic it all sounds but you just have to hear it!
The electric guitars are among the best I have ever heard and the organ pre-sets were brilliant....the kind that make you want to play and play and play.
I am sure there is loads of stuff I have forgotten to tell you so just ask and if I know I'll tell you. Believe me you WILL love this board.
Scott......don't worry about it being to big ....if anything it is smaller than I expected....very well set out.....you will want it!!
Uncle Dave.....I know I know no speakers BUT you should hear the show styles and such....phantom on this board would be amazing!!! I played 'music of the night' with one of the show ballad styles (can't remember it's name) and it started out so innocuous...almost like background music but by the finish....WOW!! You would be forgiven thinking that Lord Lloyd Webber himslef was conducting the orchestra.
OK I have waffled long enough....very choppy review I know (can you tell I like it?

Best to you all