Well, it goes forward, little by little.
When speaking with my dealer today, I got more info about things. The
things George mention here is pretty much the same info as I got, but also
that this very SD1 as I have here have to be upgraded to get rid of the
"freeze" problem, and to add some more features who is not present at
this one before it's done.
Then my report about "freeze" is a kind of "out of date" for the users
who have the latest updates.

I've also got more info about that this kb use the HD in quite another
way that we have seen before. The patterns have to be loaded into HD
before you can play, and it's been readed stright from the HD, as it does
with all patterns and sounds. Also editing works like this, but yet I
have not managed to access that part to try out.
As I said before, no problem if you only load native patterns and sounds.
But maybe there is (or will be) any sofware to manage this in a easy way
at the PC?
When clicking around as h...., I've found the "easy chord" and could turn
it off. MUCH BETTER to play at once!
Again, the userinterface is too bad, Ketron have to put the heads together
and use the empty space at the top of the keyboard in a better way than
we see here!
Dreamer have a great point about that we are a kind of "betatesters" for
free, and that is the kind we see Microsoft and other softwareprodusers do
all the time.
We buy things full priced, and have to experience all kinds of "bugs".
I guess this is ourselves to thank, because we are so quick to go for the
new things, and the manufacturers have cut-throat competition to be in the
leading position all the time.
To see that they listen to the customers is a good feeling, and that is
what Technics have done all the time as long as I have known about it, and
it's no doubt about that's why the Technics products are as Tina Turner
Technics-users as most of us, we have to download updates to fix bugs or
add new functions too.
Much easier nowadays when we dont have to strip the machine to put in new
microchips, just "flash" it onboard.

But just now I'm going to see if I'll manage to try the things as I had in
mind when I got the SD1 for "testing"