#139584 - 10/26/01 08:36 AM
Re: PSR2000's Arrived Today!
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
AJ, I've not spent enough time yet to evaluate all the features. I'm sorry I couldn't speak with you yesterday on the phone when you called but I'm still having to help customers, put out new inventory (and find places in my crowded store to display them) and most of all, have fun trying out the new gear. I've not even looked at the user style page yet. I've played with the quick sequencer which works great. There is now three dedicated track buttons for quick recording. Right 1, Right 2 and Style tracks. I've looked at the full multi track sequencer page and it looks powerful. I've listened to many of the new styles and I've been really impressed by the quality of the styles. I really haven't noticed any big difference in the drum samples from the 740, but I haven't really paid much attention to them either. I don't want to compare these styles and sounds to the Korg PA80 until I can really spend more quality time. It would be unfair to compare without more critical listening. In the $1000.00 - $1500.00 price range of arranger keyboards, I've never had a keyboard with so many features, sounds and a very well laid out operating system. The PA80, Roland VA5 and others, that are a bit more expensive have different features and sounds and justify their slightly higher prices with optional hard drives, touch screens, more polyphony (128 in the VA5) more sound editing(PA80) etc. More to come! George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene
George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years) West Hills, California (Retired 2021)
#139585 - 10/26/01 10:59 AM
Re: PSR2000's Arrived Today!
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
It's 9:20AM at my store. I got here at 9AM (I open at 10AM) and I've spent 20 minutes recording styles on the PSR2000. It's great! Here's some of the reasons. first, I can select an existing style or select new and start from scratch. I can record up to 32 measures per variation (while fills are always 1 measure) and I record in realtime or steptime. While recording rhythm tracks I can push the rhy clear button to clear individual rhythm notes played incorrectly. It is really nice compared to the 740 which never let you change the length of the recorded style. You had to select a style that had either 1, 2 or 4 measures and then go and clear it before you could begin recording. Now you can hit the record key and at the bottom of the screen you select which part (rhythm, bass, acc.1, etc. you wish to record. After recording you can change the rhythmic feel- also known as groove and dynamics with many groove parameters. There is a beat converter which changes the timing of the beats to a selected value. A swing mode which produces a swing feel by shifting the timing of the back beats and a fine mode which selects a variety of groove templates to be applied to the specific section. There is also a parameter called Dynamics that lets you control accents, range of velocity values for your styles that you have created. Another cool mode is allowing you to assemble an accompaniment style by combining different elements such as rhythm, bass and chord patterns from existing styles and use them to create original patterns. All and all a great style creator keyboard! Next, the sequencer is easy to use and works great. I created a 16 track song in minutes by just hitting the record button and which of the 16 tracks I want to record in by looking at the bottom of the display and selecting one of the icons at the bottom. I also love that as you select a track a pop up window comes up and gives me all the options for recording a main, a layer, a pad, a left voice, rhyth, chord, pad, phrase tracks. This is much easier than on the 740 series. There is also now a dedicated metronome button on the panel so no need to go into function displays to turn in on or off. When you are done recording.....instant playback. No more having to wait for it to write on the disk. Also there is a function key that says save......you need to do this to save your song or when you turn off and on the keyboard, your song will be gone! A great new feature is cut and paste so now on a arranger keyboard we have computer type operations for copying sections you've recorded on say 8 tracks wherever you would like them. This is done in the step record mode. By the way, step record lets you enter melody tracks, accomp tracks for those who like this method. You can edit note events (microscope edit), transpose tracks, Set up data(intial settings of the song- such as voice, volume, tempo), quantize, delte, mix the data of two channels and put the results in a different channel or to copy the data from one channel to another. You can even input lyrics for a song right on the keyboard! You can edit chord events. Parameters include tempo value, chord types including root note and on-bass note and many other parameters. I think you can see this is pretty amazing! Oh and George P., yes there is the arabic drum set and scale tuning which Yamaha gives you two arabic tunings pre-set and then you can make your own and any tuning can be saved on any registration memory so that hundreds can be saved and instantly called up. I'm sorry if this post seems rather choppy because I'm trying to get it out as quickly as possible. Everyone should try to check out this keyboard. I'm sure it will be a winner! It already is in my booK! George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene Reseda, California
George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years) West Hills, California (Retired 2021)
#139591 - 10/27/01 12:00 AM
Re: PSR2000's Arrived Today!
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
J.Larry, One of the cool features of the PSR2000 is that even when you play a midi file from disk, you have actually put it into the sequencer buffer. So, if you should remove the disk, the song will play until you turn off the power, load another one or put in a disk with a different song. So, when you want to edit sounds all you do is change the voices and save it to disk. Also, there is a mode in the mixing console function called auto revoice. This allows you to replace all or some of the xg voices in the tracks with the rich and authentic voices of the 2000 such as live, cool and sweet voices. There is a basic revoice which replaces only the recommended voices that are suitable for playing back the song, All revoice replaces all of the replaceable xg voices the the new panel voices, All No Revoice which are returned to their origianl XG voices. So, as you can see, there are lots of options here. I also found another really cool way to record songs today. First, I went into the multitrack record mode and turned on all of the tracks. I then started recording Piano only for a few measures. I then hit the syncro start button on the auto accomp. style section and recorded a bossanova style beginning at measure 12. At measure 24 I stopped the style and played only guitar and then started the style using a jazz style until I pushed the ending button. Later on I put in my tune 1000 song Dream, Dream, Dream to try out the vocal harmonizer. It worked great but my favorite thing to do is to start playback of a country style using only the drum track and the drum track of the midi file is replaced instantly and in perfect sync with the country style. A few measures later I changed to a disco style and again instant change. If I hit stop on the style section, the original dream, dream, dream drum track starts playing. There is no lag or glitch in this method of altering the tracks played. If I decide to play the style with the proper chord changes, then the song plays with me playing the chords. All of these are really great features Yamaha has included into the PSR2000. You will all want want of these I am sure! George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene
George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years) West Hills, California (Retired 2021)