#140594 - 10/12/03 11:49 PM
Re: I'm sick of these BABY key s already !
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Boys, boys, boys ..... calm down. This is ME you're talking about remember? I am well aware of the ups and downs of all the major toys on the market, and although I do adjust (somewhat) to the smaller size keys on the Yamaha (sorry Steve, they ARE smaller) I still have trouble playing from the heart when I get "into" the music.
The arranger style of playing was never my thing. Sure, I USE arrangements, but not in the maner that most of you do. I rarely play melody lines with the right hand. I ALWAYS fill up the sound with my own right hand chords to make the arrangement my own design. Most times, I play bass lines, but if I DO use the auto-guys, the left hand sound is ALWAYS silent to give me more room to fill up the sound with chording. I don't like a cluttered sound, and my left hand is mostly "at home" playing bass (not chords)so I play pretty aggresivly with the left hand. Not just triggering a chord a measure and waiting for the next thing to happen.
As for my Tyros purchase - I only did it as a financial move. I had a dissatisfied Tyros customer that wanted my PA80 because of the superior SMF playback, so I swapped. The Tyros is new and more marketable in the streets than a 2 year old PA80. It was just good business sense. I never intended to keep it too long. Anyone want it?
My love life? How DARE you even go there. I have no comment except to say this: Any mention of "love" in my posts is referring to a bond between muself and an INSTRUMENT. My private life is, just that at the moment.
The kn7000 - It has a great sound system, and a better than average sound set. Sure there are things I don't like, but if I can set up a Rhodes and a bass .... I can get happy right quick. The drums are weaker than the piano, I think. I kinda liked the piano, but was less imopressed with the drums. I carry a mixer and vocalizer, so I'm covered there as well. It's just a tool - I can adjust to weak sounds before I adjust to abnormal keys.
I just want to be comfortable PLAYING the keys. I can't be distracted by constantly hitting the cracks, or trying to get "feeling" that isn't there from a flimsy action. I want more. I need more. I will GET more ...... someday.
The 2100 has a lot of stuff going for it, but not from a piano players point of view. It is, and always will be - AN ARRANGER first. Well, sue me, but I don't want an arranger. I want a pro keyboard that HAS AN ARRANGER in it. My old days with separate pieces are looking pretty good, in retrospect. Moog for bass, Rhodes for chords, and Yamaha drum machine (or SR16) Sounded awesome...juyt took up too much space and time to set up. In those days - I set up for MONTHS at a time in the same location. No more. It's all one night stands now. Got to travel light.
I've had 'em all, and I want the comfort zone back. This wave of plastic junk is dragging us all downwards, and we don't even realize it till it's too late. My piano chops are definatly slipping since playing the Yamaha stuff. It's a crime. I have developed certain muscle tone and hand positions that are second nature, and now Yamaha is telling me that "It's all in my mind. The keys are NORMAL." No thanx Yamaha .... they are NOT NORMAL - they are SMALL, skinny and pretty much lifeless (on the 2100 sreies, anyway).
Whew.....that sounded angry. It wasn't meant that way. I just have to call it as I see it. No holding back where my craft is concerned. I'm serious about this business, and I need someone to make a serious kb that is meant to be played by PIANO players that are trained on full sized keys. Teachers ask that their students practice on them - we should DEMAND that we get full size, STANDARD keys in a pro instrument.
I don't want to REadjust. I want to play the piano fingerings that I practiced. The same fingerings that work flawlessly (on a GOOD night) on Roland, Casio, Korg, Farfisa, Ketron and Technics gear.
Whick reminds me....SD1 ? - Silent slab. Sorry. No can do. In my world, speakers are NOT an option.
There- that's enough whine for tonight. My flimsy, skinny keys made my rent money tonight, so all things considered ...... It wasn't a bad day's work. I just wish the comfort zone was back. My bass chops are going to slip if I have to conform to this new "standard" of lessness.
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